It took me a year to decide if huel is the right meal replacement. Having had experience with another brand I knew what I was looking for. The taste/texture is different to whey or soya based shakes but once you had a couple it is a pleasant taste without the bloated tummy I get from other brands. It being Vegan is a huge plus. I find it also good value for money. Have already recommended it to a friend
Hey Fran, welcome to the forum ! Great to have you on the team. Yes Huel does have a very different taste to whey, I think it very much depends what you are used to. I’m so used to the flavour of pea/rice protein now that whey protein to me tastes super strange! That’s great to hear you’re not getting the same gut trouble and thanks so much for recommending Huel already. Don’t forget to use your ‘refer a friend’, it’ll give them and you £/E/$10 off!
What’s your favourite mix of Huel at the moment?
Chocolate is my favourite flavour. I think it taste better with soya milk and a banana.
My first experience with huel has left me with awful reflux!! So much so, I can’t bear to have my second shake. I blended it in a blender and sipped it slowly. I’m using the white v3 banana. Any solution? Anyone else experiencing similar?
It takes getting used to it my other half likes banana but I don’t. Maybe try adding more water and a different flavour