My journey on Huel

Yeah I wanted to get the huel into a habit first before drastically changing to much. I am making changes slowly so it’s not all an once and a flash in the pan.

You’ll probably be better at looking at your calories on a weekly basis as well as daily Tim. If you drink a lot of alcohol you can easily rack up 1000kcal over a weekend just in drinks, that’s without accounting for any “extra” food too.

When you look at how much you were in a calorie deficit during a week the weekend will cancel that out.

Thanks, giving up drinking is my next thing as the lockdown got pretty much like Christmas.

Too much drinking and too much food with no exercise.

But yes, that’s a great tip and I will look at this.

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Another good week, I am learning to eat better and still enjoying the huel. I now have Banana which I feel is nicer than the vanilla. So I am currently using half chocolate and half banana.

I am currently moving up scoops in the morning and have half for breakfast and half for lunch. It seems to be going well. I don’t feel hungry or light headed.

I have lost 2lb this week and had a family meal out and a few beers.

I was wondering am I better to have 400cal for both lunch and breakfast then just the 200cal I am having.

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Well done for getting back on track!

I recommend buying a scales and measuring everything you eat as best you can. Then use an app like My Fitness Plan to count calories.

This website will tell you how many calories you use up in a day (roughly)

A pound of fat = 3,500 calories worth of energy. That’s a good target to aim for in terms of weight loss over a week.

So I would aim for a 500 calorie a day deficit. If you want to let loose a bit on the weekends, you could go with a 700 cal deficit Monday to Friday and then eat your maintenance calories on Sat and Sun.

You could go for a bigger deficit, but many people find that hard to maintain.