NHS Diabetes study

Have a look at this:

" It provides a low-calorie diet and support to people recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes who are living with obesity or overweight.

Inspired by our DiRECT study, the year-long programme offers participants nutritionally balanced, low-calorie meal replacement products (soups and shakes) for up to 12 weeks to kick-start [weight loss] with careful support from expert healthcare professionals."

OK questions:

  1. Was Huel involved or invited to be involved?
  2. Are the meal replacement products better than Huel?
  3. I think the food is free so anyone diabetic and on Huel could sign up and save the money they spend on Huel?

It’s worth noting that this is a carefully monitored program of a short term 12 week extreme low calorie diet of 800 calories a day (8 weeks liquid only followed by 4 weeks of solid food) that is only open to people who meet the program criteria but is fully funded by the NHS – you can see more information on it here.

Certainly questions 1 and 2 remain though

Outside of the NHS teams, not sure anyone will know TBH – pretty sure it mentioned somewhere in the study paper they used blinding in the products that were used.