No confirmation email

So I’m typing this at 10pm on Wednesday 29/05/19. My order is placed for this coming Saturday. Usually by this time there has been a courtesy email regarding the upcoming order. As yet nothing. My last order somehow went haywire and was never processed just hoping the same thing isn’t happening

Ok so the confirmation arrived at 0230am but my concern now is that it’s now 1950 on a Friday night and no dispatch confirmation. Usually this has been sent by now. The order says queued nothing else. HELP

Did you not try contacting the team on

Hey I’ve used their Twitter as it’s been useful on occasions and they reply. It’s not 1st occasion its happend. The last no order was processed even though I assured there was no problem. Makes me wonder if I cancel the sub and start again would I have more luck

So what did they suggest you do on Twitter?

Let them know which I did around 3pm today. Wondering if cancelling the subscription and resubscribing 24hrs later would be better.

Just disappointed really

All very strange. Did they say they would sort things out for you?

Unfortunately no reply from them as it stands

I would probably go with your idea of cancelling and starting a new subscription.

I will give them a chance to reply and see what’s suggested