Btw I still don’t have cravings what’s really terrific . So it doesn’t feel while trying to lose weight like I would fight AGAINST my body. It’s more like we’re buddies seeking for a healthier way of life and getting together in better shape.
When I get dizzy like that it’s usually a pulled neck or back muscle on one side that doesn’t quite hurt but is a little tight. Other times it’s an ear infection coming on. In both cases I don’t feel like I’m going to pass out at all, just that everything is spinny.
If it spins and threatens to go dark, yeah, check blood sugar, sodium and water intake.
Thank you very much, Barbara, for your input. I think you’re right. So far I tried more salt and more water but also an exercise I learned from a PA. It is about the so called otoliths (kind of small stones in your inner ear which are responsible for your sense of balance). You sit on a chair or the edge of your bed and turn your head aside as far as you can and then throw it back to the other side (please don’t do it inexperienced without help from a medical assistant). It’s getting better but because I tried different things at the same time I have no clue what the actual reason was .
Thank you for the update! I’ve got a bag of Banana BE on the go right now and it’s so good!
Sorry to hear you’re getting dizzy, my first thought was exactly what you’ve wrote here, perhaps you’re not quite getting enough calories in and it might be worth it to increase your food intake a little more for a few days and see if you improve.
Thanks Tim for caring! Since I’m for 7 days on a plateau with the same 3kg weight loss I guess that’s not the issue anymore. I changed to almost 100% Huel in order to know the right amount of calories. So I should still be in a calorie deficit despite no weight loss. But it’s totally ok. The dizziness is almost over and I feel overall fit and healthy and am mentally in a good place. Yesterday my husband asked again for the Madras h&s .
Enjoy your Banana BE !
Just a short update: no dizziness anymore ! I increased the calorie intake a little bit (200), enjoyed for a few days Huel for 100% (only because I felt like and not as a means to count and check or whatever ). I know the Huel team does not recommend that. But I trust my body and mind. As long as I feel that fit and fine and comfortable and resist the temptation of losing weight too rapidly, everything stays in the green zone .
A very nice and happy day to all Huelers out there!
That is great to hear! Keep it up, keep smiling!
I‘m really amazed and I’ve never thought it’s possible but still no cravings! Since 1 January I’ve lost 3.5kg. But the most important point for me is that in the last 5/6 weeks I only drank alcohol on 3 days - the last time was 3 weeks ago. Alcohol is (was?) for me the main trigger for cravings. After a glas of wine I couldn’t stop myself anymore. It’s no news but still different when you experience that with yourself. It’s the combination of the craving and the feeling of indifference and the thoughts of „you deserve it“, „you need it just now“, „tomorrow you can start over and do differently“, „nobody has to tell me what to do“, „I am a free person“ etcetcetc. I’m someone who really needs to be (feel?) independent and free. And eating and drinking whatever I liked gave me exactly that feeling. So weird and paradox! To be freed from the need of drinking alcohol or eat excessive amounts of cookies, chocolate or salted nuts is just terrific.
2, 3 weeks ago I didn’t trust the „peace“ and I‘m still carefully watching myself: Am I deluding myself? How long does it take till I fall back into old habits? I’m quite sure that a lot of people know these fears. In the past I fooled myself by „testing“: I only drink 1 glas to see whether „it“ (the whole dynamic) happens. Stupid, I know. What I really appreciate at the moment is that the change not only is physical but also mental: my mind is clear and at ease. Even after a fight with a good friend - what a few months or weeks ago would have led to me drinking a glas of wine - I was able to keep my mind in a clear state (kind of furious and unhappy but not in self-destructive mode). And it was easy to resist. Isn’t that crazy and great?!! Whether it’s Huel or something else I cannot say. I can only state and describe what’s going on. But I’m curious of course whether other Hueligans have similar experiences.
It’s great to be free, but it’s really great to be in control. I feel much the same, love the feeling of not caring about tomorrow, but it’s a good feeling to care so much about today that tomorrow takes care of itself. Hope that makes sense!
Makes total sense to me. Not only suffering from and enduring yesterday’s consequences but creating tomorrow’s happenings.
Why is reading your posts like reading a piece of literature? Love checking in on this thread!
I’m happy you are finding freedom in your new found healthy habits. You’re doing great!
What a kind and lovely remark . You’ve made me feel welcome here from the start. It’s no secret of course but to be supported by a friendly and positive group is a big part of success. What I also really enjoy are reading all the informative articles about health, nutrition, the various ingredients and the reasons behind the relevant decisions (also regarding sustainability etc).
Short update: Had a week full of social events including lunches and dinners and drinking. Whereas I loved meeting our friends from abroad and had a lot of fun I also realized that I really missed my Huel-routine. The weight gain itself wasn’t that bad (maybe a kilo) and was worth it. After 2 years of corona related restrictions everybody was just happy to be able to do our annual gathering of 12 friends from all over the world again. The less funny part is that I got Covid-19’s. No fun without punishment it seems . That means also at least another week without exercising. But at least I don’t have to worry about going out and do some shopping. I’m totally equipped with my Huel stash, hahaha.
I found having Huel in the house makes self-isolation much easier, but it’s also nice to treat yourself to some luxuries whilst recuperating. Get well soon!
Thanks very much. And to be honest Huel BE chocolate just feels like a treat .
Ah man, you step out to have some fun and get covid. Sorry to hear this and really hope your symptoms are as mild as possible I assume you have no room for exercise at your place? We’ve got a few home workouts on our YouTube which might be helpful if you do have room.
3 of these are no equipment - Huel Fitness - YouTube
Thanks for the tip Tim, really appreciated. But I’m still feeling to tired for any exercise. And on day 4 I’ve lost my sense of taste and smell . That’s an absolutely odd experience I must say. I can only sense whether something is salty or sour etc. At least an opportunity to finish my u/u bag .
Regarding social events I always wondered how other people on 100% formula diets (including Huel) deal with those. Being a single and never ordering food when I am out with friends or on other social occasions (including lunches at work) this is only insofar a problem as people think one has an eating disorder. I had disadvantages in the past due to not conforming to the social standard (which is also having “normal” food like anyone else), but as I have ARFID I did not really have a choice.
But if someone has a familiy and many important business dinners this may be different. Then I gues it must be almost impossible to be for example on 100% Huel. Or if you make it - how do you manage it? How do you make other people (collegues, friends, familiy) tolerate it? Did you have to accept disadvantages or arguments to be able to stick to your diet?
I absolutely see what you mean. And yes it is in general a problem. Maybe my current situation is a bit special and an advantage (compared to the lifes of other people here on the forum don’t know…). I’m an elderly woman and not working anymore. There are no kids expecting cooked meals and my husband is very open minded - lucky me! But he misses the cooking and eating together why I’m not strict on 100% Huel. He knows I just love it and feel fantastic and healthy with it. So he would never try to spoil it for me. I also like going out to a restaurant and then I just order what I like. But it doesn’t happen that often as when I was younger.
On the other hand - look - it’s not a religious thing! It’s about health, convenience, maybe also ethical or ecological standards or just taste. As soon as you get the feeling that you’re wrong doing (or even failing or kind of committing a sin) when not having Huel, I think you really have to worry and questioning yourself reg an eating disorder. I absolutely don’t mean that in an offending way but out of own experience. When I years ago tried to eat and be and live vegan and couldn’t stick to my plan I started to feel bad and as a failure. In the end (long story short…) I stopped my vegan “experiment” totally. So nothing was won. That’s why I now try a different approach. I eat / drink Huel when I feel like, when I’m at home or when I know other people don’t mind or I don’t mind what other people think . It’s my body hence it’s my right and responsibility what goes into it. So there have been now weeks I only ate Huel. But still why not enjoy a nice meal in a restaurant and with friends?
Does that make any sense to you? Hopefully not to chaotic .
BTW I’ve lost 5,5 kg since January (9 weeks). Still 2kg to go, but I’m not in a hurry anymore.