Original Vanilla Feedback

10161 is indeed the same batch that I had the separation problems with (now sent back and being replaced with a bag of new Vanilla thanks to @Tim_Huel). So I imagine if you refrigerated it you would see the same separation after a few hours.

I’d be interested to know if you think the flavour is the same as properly-behaving bags of Original. I am holding off trying another bag until I know the answer to this as I hated the taste of batch 10161.

Darn, my latest bag of Original is from batch 10161! It’ll be a while before I open it so it would be good to know if there’s something wrong with the batch before I do so I can send it back if necessary.

I have just opened a bag of Original but it’s not the same batch number. Happily, mine is ok.

Or you could open it in the name of science and perform tests for us knowing full well if there is an issue Huel will replace it!

open it open it open it open it open it


Ha ha, @Coup, maybe I will!

What we need is some peer pressure…

I wish I could tell you but I have a terrible cold right now so all I can taste is that it’s huely :grin:

It’s not so bad I can’t cope, it does pour ‘thinner’ than I normally expect though, and yeah, clumpage.

I’m a big fan of original over the newer vanilla. I have two bags of this batch anyway so I’ll know in a couple of weeks whether it’s normal tasting!

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I opened it and it smells normal. Mixed up one scoop with one scoop of Unflavoured, gave it a shake and put it in the fridge for tomorrow. It doesn’t look as though it’s likely to separate but I’ll see what it looks like in the morning. So far it seems normal.

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I think you need to do one with original? You can always dump some U/U in it when it comes to drink it.

Just Original? Hmm… I suppose I could… OK, in the interest of science…

The earlier one hasn’t separated yet. The latest one looks and smells fine so far.


@Africorn I don’t care what everybody else thinks about you. I think you’re alright.


What do I make of that remark? :smile:


I think @Africorn is a star! :sunglasses:

The only thing he could have done better is to have made a video of said experiment!

Why does everyone think I’m a “he”?

Anyway… This morning the 1 scoop of Original in 300 ml of water looked like this:


You can see (by the little Lycopene spots) that I haven’t just shaken it, though it was lying on its side in the fridge. Has it separated? Not really… maybe a little bit at the top? Tastes like Original should (rather too sweet by itself). So I reckon it’s fine. Can’t think why other Huel from the same batch should behave differently. The one I mixed with UU hasn’t separated at all.


That one definitely looks normal - the separation was really obvious in my shakes, with thick sludge at the bottom, normallish Huel in the middle and water at the top.

Maybe something happened during batch production and only affected later/earlier bags. Mine was timestamped 05:29PM.

Or perhaps the difference is in the water being used - I’m in a particularly hard water area, although it’s always worked fine with every other bag I’ve used.

Mine’s 01:35 PM (for what it’s worth…)

All of the ingredients are emptied into a big mixer, mixed up and then weighed out into pouches. There isn’t anything which can happen to make one part of a batch behave differently than another part of the batch. How or why yours separated is a mystery at the moment.

I do apologise @Africorn

Yes it is a bit of a mystery, but not just mine - @PatC reported similar-sounding problems with the same batch.

Hopefully @Tim_Huel will be able to report back when my returned bag has been checked over.

Ha, no worries, you’re not the only one :slightly_smiling_face: