Personalized microbiome-driven effects of non-nutritive sweeteners on human

Hi, I came across this new study on non nutritional sweeteners (NNSs) and wondered if it changed anything in the Huel article addressing sucralose in particular.

TLDR: I’m not sure it does if Huel is your only source of NNSs.

Sucralose and saccharine were found by the study to impair glycemic response in healthy adults at realistic daily doses (5 mg/kg/day for sucralose - the ‘safe’ daily limit guidance is 15 mg/kg/day). The effect seems to be based on changes caused to the microbiome.

While the study doses seemed reasonable to me, I generally avoid NNSs other than when I have a flavoured Huel (I often use UU). I’m not sure exactly how much sucralose is in 120g Huel (my normal amount) but I’m guessing it’s about 25 mg. As an 80kg person that’s only 0.3 mg/kg, and I don’t have it every day. As I avoid it otherwise, I don’t seem to be anywhere near the study doses.

That said, I’ll probably swap one bag of flavoured with another UU to reduce intake further.

For those that drink sugar free drinks sweetened with NNSs, I think this study would definitely concern me.


Thanks for sharing @mdwilliams!

The research is growing around non-nutritive sweeteners affecting the microbiome, the thing is with the microbiome is changes are so specific to the individual (as the study shows). The effects also didn’t last beyond the 2 week study period.

If people would prefer to avoid sucralose then they can go for the unflavoured and unsweetened version or Black Edition which contains stevia .


I’ve been using huel a few years (BRING BACK GRANOLA) and didn’t know until the flavoured powders that I react to sucralose, military grade gas if two meals a day, savage with a fair bit of discomfort too.
I used UU and flavour packets until they came out with black, no issues since.

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