Protein Powder or Huel

Hi all :wave:

I’ve just placed my first order with Huel. I have recently started to do home-workouts 5 times a week and I’ve been having a protein shake when I’ve done my workout (first thing of a morning). I’m planning on having Huel for breakfast and sometimes lunch so do I stop having a protein shake after my workout or do I still have it followed by my Huel shake? Seems a lot to me so I thought I’d check with the experts :wink:

I also workout 5 times a week and 80-100% of my meals are in the form of powder. I usually just have normal White Huel but I add 10-15g of whey protein to 85-90g of Huel for my post workout meal.

White Huel has plenty of protein, you can use it without any additions and gain massive amounts of muscle. You need to add a very minor amount of protein to your diet only if you’re cutting.


That’s great. Thank you so much :+1:t3:

It seems that Huel is going to launch a Protein powder this month, I would wait


Thank you :pray:t3:

Do you track your macros? If you’re struggling to hit your protein goal for a day, then hit the protein shake. If not, then don’t.

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Huel just launched their protein powder, so you can get your teeth into it! I personally am a big fan of cutting my huel with protein so this will help me. Enjoy!

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Right Huel folk - mainly staff if you can weigh in! :slight_smile:

What would i be missing nutrition wise if i buy and take the protein VS the Huel Black?
IE is it missing Phytonutrients, polyphenols, MCTs, Omegas? Less vitamins than regular Huel?


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It only mentions Phytonutrients, not of the others (polyphenols, MCTs, Omegas? Less vitamins)

I’m looking for a more direct comparison if any Huel staff can comment?

What would i be missing nutrition wise if i buy and take the protein VS the Huel Black?
IE is it missing Phytonutrients, polyphenols, MCTs, Omegas? Less vitamins than regular Huel?

It depends how much you’re having and how you’re replacing it. So what I mean by that is a per serving swap means you’ll be getting less of pretty much everything because protein powder is much lower in calories as it’s a snack.

Calorie for calorie you’re not missing anything as they’re both nutritionally complete. The small differences are no MCTs in Complete Protein and lower omega fatty acids (to keep the fat low) but it does contain piperine and curcumin which Black Edition doesn’t.

For a direct comparison you could compare the per 100g values on our site which will give you a nice weight for weight comparison.

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I have half a Huel shake (1 scoop) before the workout and then half afterwards. That works well for me as it stops me feeling hungry first thing and then I’m fuled up after the workout until lunchtime. Would that work for you?

That’s a great idea x