Complete Protein powders are made up with 300ml of liquid giving about 330ml of mixed product which is a nice manageable size not-too-thick drink.
Why are the RTDs so stomach-sloshingly big for only 2g protein more than a regular shake?
Is this purely down to filling a low cost commercially available bottle?
Huel RTD is a similar product to Huel powder. 400 calories, not designed to match complete protein. It’s a reasonable size for 400 calories in my opinion. Not stomach sloshing
So essentially our ready-to-drink is a nutritionally complete meal whereas our Complete Protein powder is designed to be more of a snack option but packing that protein punch. They are both very different but essentially give you nutritionally complete goodness!
If you are looking for a powder option with protein aside from our complete protein powder, would you consider maybe moving to the Black edition powder but maybe using only half serving? Half a serving will give you around 20g Protein
As kids and americans would say - “my bad!”
Bought an RTD a few weeks back and had moved to Complete Protein so long ago that I’d forgotten about the MRPs.
Just mismatched them, my mistake (as we say in the UK )