Show off your Huel fuelled body

this may or may not catch on…

show pics or vids of how far youve come because of huel…


i dropped 40 kilos in a year, from alcoholic to pull up supremo




That’s amazing progress Matt, well done dude! Sounds like a good challenge.

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cheers mr @Tim_Huel

i dont have before photos

too embarrassed

deleted them all a long time ago …

i had severe pain and dizziness just tying my shoelaces etc, i was in a bad way, i couldve died if i carried on… i cut out meat, dairy and fish, then i found huel… it was the next level.

i am glad to be alive.

huel helped a lot.

suits me



Love to hear that Matt, but obviously sorry that you were taken through the wringer first. Sounds like you put in some seriously hard work.

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Nice work!

Did you work out before you started on Huel and dropped the weight?

i started a few months before huel, i was getting less nutrients, vits n mins etc…

i grew up fit n healthy, i went through the hardest of times…

i pulled through.



Your looking healthy now dude. Glad your still with us.

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better show off video

hope it encourages you

and im talking to you

yours truly

vegan muscle!!!

obese alcky to this in 18 months…

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