The downward spiral

Thanks for the tips! Maybe I Indeed need to keep an ok snack at hand.

I normally also don’t buy them anymore, but my relatives are visiting and this means beers/wine and snacks in the evening. I don’t drink (still breastfeed), so that’s not a problem for me, but the chips is difficult!

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Haha, I think I read this the wrong way but in my mind this is now you…



:rofl: Not far from the truth!

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86.3 kg today. It’s going down! But… We have holidays starting from today, which means no Huel and festive food and drinks. We’ll see!

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Hi Catty,
I was wondering, I am also doing IF. What time are you taking the late breakkie huel and the lunch one. I break my fast at 12. I took 100gr huel and was still hungry. Maybe I should take more to break the fast and to not be hungry bit i also dont want to have more calories.

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Hi Roag!
Leuk om je verhaal hier zo te lezen. Ik reageer in Nederlands want zag dat je uit Belgie komt. Ik kom uit Nederland. Ik vind de manier hoe je schrijft echt leuk! Ik heb gisteren mijn eerste Huel genomen voor de lunch. Ik doe IF 16:8) Hoeveel gram neem jij? Ik kreeg ook wel opmerkingen van collega’s en ik voelde echt super self conscious maar het is voor goede doel. (weeg 77 kg bij een lengte van 160 cm)
Betreffende je holiday. Het leven is er ook om te genieten en als een keer (of meer) niet goed gaat. Dan begin je gewoon de volgende dag opnieuw. Bij ons in Amsterdam is het nu ook Pride en ik heb gisteren heel de avond biertjes lopen drinken. Tja wat is 1 of 2 avonden nu toch?
Wat mij echt heeft geholpen tegen avond snacken is IF. Ik eet niets meer na 20 uur en ik dacht dat ik nooit zou volhouden. Ik had echt de gewoonte om, om 22 uur nog van alles en nog wat naar binnen te gooien maar ben er gewoon vanaf!


10 am and I do a two scoop Huel. And then for “lunch” another two scoop at about 3 or 4. I stop eating at 6 pm after a light dinner. Hungry isn’t usually an issue for me now.
To be honest though I’m on holiday visiting family so I’ve not been as strict but we did bring our Huel. I’ve not gained anything at least. That’s okay for me right now.

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Hey! I’m indeed from Belgium and speak Dutch, but I could have also been speaking French or German of course :wink:

I take 1 scoop in the morning and 2.5 at lunch, so around 133g of Huel per day. In the evening I have a normal lunch and TRY NOT TO SNACK!!! (which is HARD).

I heard a lot about IF, but I cycle to work in the morning, 14k, and I don’t know if I can do that on an empty stomach…

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Quick update, after the holiday (didn’t do anything SUPER bad, but didn’t eat Huel for a week), I AM SO HUNGRY!!! Whereas I used to be satisfied with my 1 scoop breakfast and 2.5 scoop lunch until 5, I am now really stomach-hungry around 2 already and feel very faint and nauseous from hunger + get a headache around 5 :frowning: Not happy.


Maybe in the short term you can eat a little bit more than you are currently aiming for, just while your body readjusts


I think I need to yes. I’m also going to bike to work, 14k single ride, so I definitely need a snack before riding home. But I don’t really know what.

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Huel bars (now with added larvae!)


Non vegan then!

No but that’s actually a good idea. I’ll check them out :slight_smile: Any notes taste-wise?

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@ROAG I’ve tried and enjoyed all the flavours but my overall favourite is Cocoa and Orange :yum:


I like orange and cacao too.


As I’m still breastfeeding, maybe not the best option for me :wink:


I do work out on an empty stomach (crossfit) I do know my old coach does that to. I have no problem with it but off course it iss different for everyone. My boyfriend has to eat the same thing every morning. I guess it is a habit he does not want to change and that is ok. 14k is A LOT of km to cycle in the morning. (and afternoon) Well done!

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Feeling very disappointed and sad. I had a body measurement today and in stead of losing weight I have gained both weight and fat (around 1kg).

I know, I’m eating more than I burn, but I really thought I didn’t! :frowning: I have 4.5 scoops and a normal evening meal, I don’t snack in between and don’t drink. I do sometimes snack something in the evening, but not to the amount I used to do. And still I’d didn’t lose, I gained.

So yeah, I’m going to have to weigh, measure, blah blah blah everything and I hate that! I thought that just swapping lunch and breakfast with an exact amount of calories would have done it, but alas, no.

Sorry for the rant, not in a good place at the moment.

Try replacing evening snacks with a scoop of Huel. It will fill you up better and it’s much healthier. Put more water so you sip on it longer while watching TV. Put it on the table so you need to stand up every time. Little tweaks to keep you entertained.

Also, any chance of moving more? 10.000 steps equals 500 calories gone! That’s around 1.5 hours of walking.

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Good tip, thanks! Still waiting on those Huel crisps though :wink:

I’m also going to measure the scoops now, 100g for lunch and 50 for breakfast.

I cycle 1.5h every work day. Not for a long time, so hopefully I’ll see some results in a few months.

I also have hypothyroidism, but my values are fine now with medication, so that should not be an issue (I think?).