Looking to buy Huel as it looks like a great on the go food for when eating fresh food isn’t possible.
Just looking for some clarification on the quality of the supplements added to Huel. Obviously poor quality supplements could result in some side effects if consumed regularly long term.
Looking at the ingredients there’s a lot of long scary names - and I’m aware these can be harmless, but is that most or all?
For example ‘Cyanocobalamin’ - this is obviously cobalamin (Vitamin B12) but bound to Cyanide. Can I get some clarification how safe it is to take this sort of supplement long term? Obviously Methylcobalamin is a much safer (but more expensive) supplement of Vitamin B12.
This is not an attack on the product, simply trying to gain information before I choose to buy.
Cyanide, whilst a scary name, is not a threat to you at all in the amounts attached to Cyanocobalamin. There have been numerous studies done which show even at high dosages, the amount of cyanide in Cyancobalamin is harmless, often described as “insignificant”.
Cyanide naturally occurs in a number of foods. almonds. Soy, spinach, apple seeds all contain cyanide. If anyone smokes, you will likely be ingesting much higher amounts of cyanide than you get from food as well, but this is not considered the dangerous part of smoking for many.
We would never put in anything that had a suggestion of long term harm. We have heard that people may prefer Methylcobalamin, so it’s something we’re looking in to, but the Huel formula was made with long term health in mind.