The World Needs Vegan Keto/LCHF Huel

Yeah they do…and maybe if we didnt kill so many of them unnecessarily after subjecting them to short miserable lives they wouldn’t so much.


That’d all be well and good if humans weren’t greedy, selfish and destructive.

Your figures are purely mathematical, they’re all theory.

The fact is we’re destroying the planet and not slowing down. This is evident, this is physical fact.

Our habits are too widespread to be corrected and there are too many people with those destructive habits.

Throw all of the figures you want at it, but there are too many cars, too many planes, too many cruise liners, too many farms producing too much meat for too many people.

It’s a case of accept this and perish or deny it and perish. Both inevitably have the same outcome and to try and force an entire global population to change is futile.


Thank you for sharing your opinion, @GTIPuG :slight_smile:


Hi All! Going back to the topic of this discussion - would the world benefit if Huel decided to provide a vegan alternative for those who choose a ketogenic/LCHF diet as their lifestyle, or should the rapidly growing keto/LCHF community be left alone (i.e. continue its shift towards anti-veganism and the carnivore diet)?
Also, shall those of us interested in LCHF keep waiting for the Huel team to come up with a new product, or do you think we should just move on?

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For myself, I think Huel is just fine as it is. A nutritious, well-balanced, convenient and vegan alternative. Just as it set out to be.


Totally agree with @Bee it’s fine as it is, if I wasn’t happy with it and it didn’t fit in with what I wanted, I would move on to something else, I wouldn’t moan about it.



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Thank you for you replies, guys, but I feel these did not answer my question so, just to double check, are you saying that you would prefer Huel not to offer another product in addition to the one they already do (i.e. not to provide the consumer with more choice)?

I would love a keto version. But I don’t see it happening any time soon unfortunately.

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Just to confirm I didn’t say that at all, I said

Huel is still a small company and it is expanding but it can’t please everyone. High carbs, low carbs, high protein and more. This has been brought up many times and maybe one day you will get your wish of a keto version. I am not saying at all I would prefer Huel not to offer another product, I want them to grow and expand there product range. I am happy with what’s available now, it’s done me the world of good and where all not vegans here. But if I wanted a keto version I would go elsewhere and get some and keep an eye on Huel in case it brings some out. I certainly wouldn’t say this,


@triquetra011 I said what I said and meant what I said. No more, no less.


The keto bandwagon will soon move on, as will that 100% carnivore diet nonsense. It’s all fluid.


Well[quote=“Bee, post:32, topic:12319, full:true”]
@triquetra011 I said what I said and meant what I said. No more, no less.

Well, very eloquently put, thanks @Bee

Honestly, I would say move on:

  1. The development costs of a new product are very high. High enough to be a strong deterrant.
  2. The market might or might not be there.
  3. If Huel were to launch another powder product, they would have to really believe on the product itself and the potential. I think another profile (rather than keto) might be easier to sell.
  4. As far as we know, they have not start with the development, and it’s not in the future plans. You might as well say that is at least one year of wait (being ULTRA positive).
  5. Huel just launched RTD, no rush on launching a new product.
  6. Furthermore, they have a “full-roster” currently and I think the efforts (and the money) will go into consolidation (both product-wise and as a company).
  7. Neither of the founders seem to be particularly into keto.
  8. Spreading too thin is not good for business.

To sum all up, Huel have their hands full and going for a keto products most likely is just not worth. So yeah, I would move on.

I don’t think so either. Huel does not need to do everything. No matter how amazing the company is, it doesn’t mean they would be the best for everything. E.g. A pub can be notorious for their roast dinner, but their fish and chips are not as good. On the other side of the road, you have a shop that is specialised in fish and chips (obv has better product).


They’ve already said that they will not be developing a LCHF product. You can add protein powder and MCT powder to your Huel if you want to change the nutritional profile for yourself.

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Thanks, @Africorn, but as discussed somewhere else on this forum, there is no point in mixing Huel to try and change it into an LCHF/keto powder – it is not just about getting the right proportion of macros.

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OK :slightly_smiling_face:

You can get LCHF products but I believe they are made with whey and/or soy and I’m not interested in consuming either of those.

Thank you, all, for a great discussion. Some valid points have been raised. I conclude that both the company and the community seem to be largely disinterested in a keto/LCHF version of Huel, and thus I concur that the best course of action for people like me is to end our adventure with Huel and move on. Thanks again, all the best!

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The world needs a high THC/KFC version for the stoner cock soup lovers? When’s that out?


The forum has been taken over by a knife wielding zombie serial killer. What is going on

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