Ultra Processed Foods & Huel - revisited

It’s not just the presence of artificial sweeteners which puts Huel products in the UPF category. Huel is UPF from beginning to end, but that’s the whole point: complete balanced vegan nutrition in a convenient long-life form that requires minimal prep. If it wasn’t ultra-processed it wouldn’t be as good, or as healthy.


That’s very well put @epicure - I’m gonna use this phrasing. :slightly_smiling_face:

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@JamesCollier Any chance you or someone from Huel HQ will jump on Diary of a CEO for a discussion about topics like UPF? :slight_smile:

There is a sea of consistent misinformation and vilification of UPF as you know, and Steven Bartlett’s recent podcast with Chris Van Tulleken framed Huel in quite a negative light (see the thousands of comments across the podcast’s YouTube and socials specifically mentioning Huel on it). A family member gave me their remaining Huel and stopped consuming it because they saw the podcast and read Chris’s book, and a friend of mine avoids Huel now because of that podcast too.

While it’s excellent that more people are caring about and educating themselves on what they’re putting in their bodies, just sucks to see Huel getting dragged into so much of the trash out there simply because it’s technically UPF :pray: Would go a long way with people I think, thanks!


Anyone who thinks Huel is any kind of substitute for a healthy whole food diet is completely off their rocker. The aggressive marketing on platforms like YouTube is another factor that is extremely irritating. Please stop trying to brainwash vulnerable people with this crap!

As far as I’m aware, and I’ve been around a while, it’s never been advertised as a replacement for a healthy whole food diet.

It is though a decent replacement for a junk food diet or a crap / unbalanced diet, or when you don’t have the time to prepare something balanced and wholesome and you would otherwise go for a convivence style food like a packaged sandwich, crisps, chocolate bar, frozen processed meal full of additives, microwave ready meal etc.

Thanks for coming.


Huel is absolutely a substitute or replacement for wholefood, and for all other types of food. All foods consumed are substitutes or replacements for the foods not consumed, that’s obvious; but as to whether it’s perceived to be ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than anything else depends on personal preference, the exact alternative in the comparison and a whole lot of other variable factors. Just saying.

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It is junk food. It’s ultra processed. Anyone who says they don’t have time to make a quick snack with real food is talking nonsense. This is just western conditioning propaganda bullshit. Open a tin of mackrel and have some fresh tomatoes with it or boil up some eggs which only takes a coupla mins and have them with some greens.

Dead fish? You cannot be serious. :wink:

or maybe go back to woodstock '69 maaaan!

Have you labelled it junk food because it’s ultra processed? Sounds like it. I think you need to educate yourself further to be honest. And suggesting everybody in the world has time to prepare a meal every time because you do shows a high level of arrogance.


Huel should be renamed Gruel. Feel sad for the poor bastards sucked in by this shit.

I’m guessing you’re not a Huel customer, Woodstock. But it’s nice that you’re taking the time to share your feelings with us. Anyone who is disabused of their misplaced enthusiasm for the product as a result of your efforts will, no doubt, be grateful.


Well aint you original, bro.

If you’d actually been around in 2015 you’d no doubt have been aware that when founder Julian Hearn was sat in his bedroom trying to work out a way to fleece bearded chaps with his overpriced cold porridge, he came up with the portmanteau Huel, formed from the words Hipster Gruel. Luckily you didn’t see the ones that failed: Morridge (man porridge), and Bravy (Bum Gravy). I expect you’d have loved to try them.


:rofl: :clap:

I always think of Woodstock as Snoopy’s wee bird pal. I’m not old like you.

Snoopy’s pal actually predated the festival, but was nameless until 1970.

What’s sad is having nothing else better to do than register and post on the forum of a product you don’t even use.

It depends. I think my “parking twats” posts on the BMW forum added a lot to the discussion.


I registered because of the incessant aggressive advertising on platforms like YouTube for a product that is bad for people’s health. Quit peddling this crap

It’s a good idea because it’s not a waste of time and doesn’t make you look crackers.

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I can understand how frustrated and irritated Woodstock is. If I spend more than about thirty seconds looking at YouTube I get the same way: tetchy and unreasonable.

It’s not Huel which is the issue here, nor even Huel’s advertising strategy, it’s gawping at things you don’t want to gawp at. Quit gawping, problem solved.