Ultra Processed Foods & Huel - revisited

Snoopy Dogg actually endorses Huel and I bet @Woodstock is pissed that Mr Dogg gets all that $$$ for doing eff all.


I think there’s a happy medium between you avoiding YouTube because moving pictures are newfangled and killing the radio star, and Woodstock glued to YouTube 24/7 going square-eyed and overflowing with advert hate. There’s some fine things on YouTube if you avoid the clickbait, and it’s a treasure trove of old and rare stuff.

I recommend the browser plugins uBlock Origin (removes YT ads) and SponsorBlock (auto-skips past sponsored segments).

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You’re right David, there are certainly some treasures on YouTube, but the sudden advertising breaks are maddening. I should buy one of those browser plugins but would probably struggle to find the right socket.

I’m not peddling anything. I’m buying a product and eating it and minding my own business. None of the things you are doing.


A bit of evidence to back this up would be appreciated, otherwise it’s just hogwash.

I’m not a doctor, nor a nutritionist (maybe you are?), but there’s more than enough evidence of shared experience here to confirm that Huel is very healthy. I would recommend you try it, if you haven’t already. You’d be surprised.


Watch out they’ll be a link to a James Smith YouTube video incoming.


Another day, another scary UPF headline:
Ultra-processed food linked to 32 harmful effects to health, review finds | Health | The Guardian

The article refers to a BMJ report:
Ultra-processed food exposure and adverse health outcomes: umbrella review of epidemiological meta-analyses | The BMJ

& from that report:
‘…diets rich in ultra-processed foods are associated with markers of poor diet quality, with higher levels of added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium; higher energy density; and lower fibre, protein, and micronutrients’.

Sounds like Huel should def. be included out. :slight_smile:


These headlines are essentially the equivalent of:

  • Groundbreaking study uncovers direct link between umbrella usage and precipitation
  • Revolutionary research reveals breathing is leading cause of ageing and death
  • Regular consumption of tea linked with appearances of British passports in people’s homes
  • Purple T-shirts: The silent killers…
  • Follow Bigfoot, go barefoot? Study finds wearing shoes leads to increased risk of getting hit by cars
  • Bleeding edge scientists correlate watching sunsets with higher chance of tiredness within hours
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Comon guys the UPF headlines are generally a good thing as most UPF is genuinely terrible. And to turn people away from them is good.
They just don’t account for ultra processing with the purpose of being healthy - and why should they? It’s a small thing consumed by aware people.

Having said that I HATE.the current Huel advertising and would not be brought in as a Huel consumer if I was new to it now.
It does make it seem like marketing bullshit to me.

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If you take an Apple, and wash it and slice it. It is then ‘processed food’. Does that make it unhealthy?


Never take the media seriously with its generalisations and finger pointing nature. Always look deeper into it.

There’s so much wrong with her video I wouldn’t know where to start.

Pretty sure Huel is marketed towards people as replacing one meal a day, lunch or breakfast maybe and for that, using essential powder, two bags would last 34 days meaning their claim is correct. Perhaps £350 if you replace every meal, everyday but even on this forum Huel doesn’t advise that whilst it’s safe to do.

Don’t be fooled by silly online media outlets like that who from the very tone of their voice and unprofessional dress choices make it clear that they are biased, poorly informed and have an agenda. That’s what I’d tell people.

All I can say about that woman is that the world of her readers would have been better if someone swallowed :rofl:

How processed does food need to be to feed the billions of us without (further) wrecking the environment?

Eating light: Finnish startup begins making food ‘from air and solar power’ | Food & drink industry | The Guardian

Huel should utilise food made out of thin air. It’d be innovative and provocative, & very newsworthy to be in first.

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My Huel pouches are already 50% air.

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My crisp packets are 85% air.

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Solar Foods

Sustainability first, nutrition a close second. :thinking:?