What is your wishlist for Huel?

It’s worth reading this article on probiotics by the NHS - http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/probiotics/Pages/Introduction.aspx


Woo hoo!! Look forward to trying them all :smile:

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Please don’t change the main Huel to stevia. People can flavour unflavoured Huel if they want. I don’t want pseudoscience to worsen regular Huel


Get Huel on all the common food trackers (it is already on MyFitnessPal, but e.g. Noom Coach does not know it yet)

A better scoop!
Custom sized; one breakfast and one for lunch - 3D print me up on checkout!

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Agreed. I find it difficult to fill my scoop completely without compressing the Huel.

Our Huel flavours systems are now down to £7.50! We know how much you all love them.

Get yourself one here - https://huel.com/collections/other-huel-products/products/natural-flavour-and-sweetener-pouches

Unfortunately we are currently still out of Banana, Strawberry and P&C. Strawberry will be back this week!

Hope this helps the wallets out, even if it is only a little!

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I would like to see the Huel as a company to be more open about future developments. For example now that they’re planning on a Huel bar, I would like to know their struggles, their nutritional concerns and a timeplan.

Also, I find the Huel twitter account not providing any useful info for Huelers either. It’s merely a promotion machine for the Huelers to be it seems to me.

If I’m to live mostly on Huel, I would like more openess and inside info. Thanks you.

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I gotta say, in my experience they’ve been pretty open. The fact that we know there is a bar coming at all is due to that! Julian has mentioned a few things about the bar that will be different in a couple of other threads, such as slightly more sugar. We also found out about gluten-free Huel long before it came out and even why there were delays. And the new pouches too. Compare that to Apple where the products are religiously kept under wraps until launch day!

We also get regular updates and replies to topics from the founders. I can’t think of any other company that does that. Given that customer service and outreach all costs time and manpower, not sure they could do much more (barring putting their financials spreadsheet on DropBox)!


Ι agree with you that when compared with the current state of openess in the corporate world, the Huel team score pretty high. But please do not compare them with Apple, you’re doing them unintentional harm :slight_smile:. Besides I don’t eat Apple.

Maybe I need to be more clear. I’m not citicising them as info savy but rather I encourage them to be more open as they have every reason to. The Forum of this site is THE reason I’m their customer and the same I can say about many of my friends and family whom I supply regurarly with Huel. The fact that the Huel team answers to my and others questions is THE reason I switched from another soylent.

As you said Julian disclosed some of their findings regarding the Huel bar when asked in a thread and I liked it as much as you did. But at the same time I wondered, why do we have to ask in the first place and also whatelse the Huel team could tell us that we might find it worth knowing? Isn’t the disclosure of such information less important marketing wise than the retweet of yet another satisfied Hueler or the weekly reminder of the pancakeability of Huel?

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A mixer ball in the shaker and a lower carb Huel option :smile:

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@bogn @Sputnik I appreciate what you both say.

It’s a fine balance, too much info and we give competitors an advantage and too little and we look insular.

I can tell you:

  • Bar - we are working on it, it was nearly ready in Oct 2015 but we have been let down many times. Just slightly frustrating.
  • Recipe book - due soon
  • A few other interesting things, but sorry we wouldn’t like to mention them just yet.

@bogn If they were too open, it could actually get tedious. Who wants to hear about every twist and turn on the journey towards a new product release? That would be one step away from being required to attend company meetings.

I suspect the day-to-day running of the Huel machine is far less exciting than we would like to imagine it might be.

Personally, I think their currently level is just right. We get sent email newsletters whenever there is anything worth telling us, and they are active in the forum.

  1. 100%Food
  2. Soylent
  3. Joylent

Maybe it is the nature of the product (but probably the nature of the type of people who develop them), but most powdered food companies seem to be transparent and responsive.

If they were too open, it could actually get tedious. Who wants to hear about every twist and turn on the journey towards a new product release? That would be one step away from being required to attend company meetings.

You don’t have to read everything Huel staff write.

I’d like more information about some things. And more in-depth discussion of nutrition. And more debate when concerns are raised.

100%Food are the guys who post on reddit the pre-production new formula for community comments before proceeding to production? Or they who released their vitamin & mineral mix as an independent product? I liked their approach I must say,

Joylent in particular makes every now and then video insights, showing their facilities and speaking about new and future developments loosely without generating much stress in the company about meeting a target/deadline. Wouldn’t it be nice if we saw Huel’s facilities? I mean you’re cooking for us guys show us your kitchen :slight_smile:

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@Power just out of interest have you see all the articles we have written here about nutrition - https://huel.com/pages/information-articles


I had seen some of those. What I’m really after is some major back and forth debate over very specific issues.

For example in this thread

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Smaller bottle that fits in my car holder ok !!! Sounds trivial but the whole reason I bought Huel is that I travel a lot and end up eating crap from petrol stations. Now I need to buy a new shaker bottle as the nice Huel logo bottle is just too huge !!

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I would very much appreciate a travel kit for Huel. Something like box that fits into the shaker and contains up to 3 meals of 3 scopes. When on the road that could simplify my life. So far my solution is small re-sealable freezing bags.