Which flavour do you recommend and why

I’m about to receive my third delivery on March 1st and have already enjoyed the Banana and Strawberry & Cream flavours of the Black Edition. I was curious what everyone else would recommend and why. I do not wish to modify anything about the Black Edition other than the flavour.

Oh boy. So, I’m a sucker for Cookies and Cream to be honest!

However…(pause for tension)

Cinnamon Swirl has slowly been making its way into my diet…and I’m here for it :heart_eyes:

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Cookies and cream for me.

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Salted Caramel is by far my favourite flavour of both white and black editions! I must just have a sweet tooth!

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me too, and coffee caramel also. :yum:


Depends on whether you are on a 100% BE/shake diet. If that is the case U/U is the most versatile, you could for example add salt to it, because most people feel sick from being on nothing but sweet shakes all the time.

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Most people?

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Thank you all for your assistance; I will stick to Strawberry & Cream and Banana for my next delivery, then mix it up next month. But I could be adding some Instant Meals to my order, so let’s see which flavour I should go with.

I thinking of Mac & Cheese and the Thia Curry.

It’s like those shampoo adverts where they take a very small sample of people (75 I believe the last time I saw one). 67% of them said it have them glossier hair and would recommend it.

@mbs probably has a sample of one.

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I remember the worst one I saw like that, was some face cream ad I saw in the US – when you worked out the small print in the ad – the sample size who actually agreed the product was ‘working’ was eight – so 0.000032% of people in the country who use similar products weekly. Conclusive.

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have you? and a few more characters

Now who looks a silly sausage

Regarding flavours I still wonder why some are more expensive than others, for the same type of product. Why does a variety pack cost more than a single flavour, for the same number of bottles? What makes the production of some flavours “more expensive”? Reading the ingredients list I couln’t find anything that would justify it.

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