10 months on Huel

Hi I’ve now been consuming Huel for the past 10 months & can honestly say it has made me feel great. I consume approx 300grams a day ( 3 x 100gram shakes spaced 3hrs apart). My usual day consists of porridge for breakfast mixed with berrys & peanut butter, the 3 x shakes throughout the day followed by a healthy evening meal, either fish or meat with salad or veg. My weigjt has remained the same throughout, I’m 5ft 8 & weigh approx 11 stone.
I’m a keen cyclist although due to a very hect work schedule over the past couple of years time on the bike has been very limited althougj have completed a couple of 100 milers fueled soley by Huel with no detriment to energy levels. I only use vanilla flavour & have still not got bored of it. Well done to all Huel staff for creating a cost efficient way of remaing healthy withoit having to spend hours in the kitchen preparing food


Great news, thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us. Sounds like you are living an awesome and active lifestyle. Thanks for choosing Huel!