Another Huel diary

So I started with Huel on Saturday and thought I should write down how it works for me.

Might be interesting for others and will surely be a nice reminder for myself, when I feel not so well.

So, no more talk, let´s get it going.

Saturday, April 22nd 2017
Started “my Huel journey” today with one drink for dinner. I had noodles with meat sauce for lunch, so something “light” is nice in the evening. And my body can slowly start adapting.

Weight: 170,6 kg

Sunday, April 23rd 2017
Had another Huel for dinner, works well so far. No problems, although I need to improve my shaking to get rid of the little lumps. My cats are curious but stick to their own food.

Monday, April 24th 2017
So I had two meals of Huel (3 Huel spoons each) today at work. One in the morning, which I drank till noon, the other one which I drank till 5 o’clock when I finished work. I felt kind of “full”, took some time and made dinner later in the evening. Huel seems to be good to have that mid-day hunger under control.

Tuesday, April 25th 2017
Did the same as on Monday, two Huel shakes for the day, dinner in the evening. Made way too much dinner, thought I had more hunger after the day but Huel keeps me filled. Wouldn´t have thought that. My bowel seems to adapt, had some “gas problems” later on. :slight_smile:

Wednesday, April 26th 2017
I keep the 400 ml of water for each shake in the fridge overnight so it´s nicely chilled in the morning. But it tastes well at room temperature too, so no problems ahead. I got vanilla Huel which is fine for me anyway. Maybe I will try a flavour out of curiousity on my next order. Made way too much dinner, again. :frowning:

(to be continued)


I love reading about how everyone introduces Huel to their diet. I made the mistake of going straight into Huel for 24 hours and had a very sore head and I was extremely thirsty all day. For the past two days following I have had Huel for lunch and it works really well at keeping me full until dinner. Next week I plan on having huel for breakfast and lunch on weekdays and then have my usual healthy dinner. Not sure about my plans for the weekend yet.
Please keep posting updates on whether you feel better? more energetic? miss food? All the huel advice!

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Thursday, April 27th 2017
A colleague asked me to join him for lunch at a chinese place. Normally I really like their food, this time it gave me lots of heartburn. Not sure whether this was due to my Huel intake or just because it was very spicy. I think you might get used to Huel and lose some kind of “tolerance” to more spicy food. I will have an eye on this.

Friday, April 28th 2017
Just took one Huel today and ate normal dinner. Worked fine, I wasn´t that hungry and enjoyed dinner quite much. Put the other Huel in my fridge, I don´t think it can perish that fast. Not sure about that, though. Something more to learn.

Saturday, April 29th 2017
Had no Huel today. Didn´t ate much at all, so the Friday Huel is still sitting in the fridge. Hope it´s still okay tomorrow. As there is a national holiday here in Germany on May 1st, I had to buy some food for the upcoming days. I had a sudden moment of “wow” while shopping. “In the former days” I had to think about “oh, what will I eat on sunday for breakfast, what for dinner and lunch? what will I eat over the whole week?” etc. Now it´s more like “well, I have Huel, I won´t be hungry” and this takes lots of pressure and stress from me, I think.

@ Gemma, I will keep you updated. I think I will make another post tomorrow and add some more information/thoughts, especially regarding your points.

Thursday, May 4th 2017
Still going strong on Huel. :wink:

Did my first weighting after one week and didn´t lose any weight. Although I didn´t gain any, too, so it´s not that bad. As I am still getting back up from burn-out/depression, I am doing basically no sports at the moment. Need to get started again and then there might be some weight-loss. Nevertheless, I´m not in a hurry. If Huel helps me lose weight slowly but steady, I will be happy.

(Although I if only take two shakes a day and a normal dinner, I should be losing weight due to the calorie deficit, shouldn´t I? Something broken with me? :-D)

The taste is still fine for me, so are my energy levels. No headaches, no tiredness. I don´t really miss “normal food”. Had a normal breakfast this morning, but thinking about it, it´s nothing that I miss in the morning or crave for. So sticking to Huel is just fine.

Oh, and the relaxing “I got Huel, so I won´t be hungry” feeling is still there. Forgot to buy something for dinner yesterday, just took another shake and I´m fine.

I will try to take milk instead of water for the shake, maybe add a shot of espresso, do some tinkering…

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If you’re 170 kg, you should definitely be losing weight if you switch 2 out of 3 meals to Huel. Are you snacking, or having a larger evening meal to compensate? Try keep a food diary, to keep an accurate log of what you really are eating.

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I am not really aware that the evening meal got bigger, but I will keep a log about that. Snacking went rather down, due to the feeling of fuelness that Huel gives me.

Friday, May 5th 2017
Had a somewhat strange “discussion” with a friend of mine about using Huel.

“It´s unhealthy! Those dietary powders are not good!”
“It´s no dietary powder, it´s just food, milled till it became this way…”
“Yeah, but those dietary powders lack important minerals and stuff!”
“This isn´t a dietary powder and there is everything in it you basically need…”

Well, we couldn´t come to an agreement. She thinks Huel aims to be some magic powder, making you lose weight, get more girls and become rich overnight.

I see it more like “this is food. it´s not cool but it´s food, nothing more, nothing less”.

So yeah, whatever…

May 6th/7th 2017
Had no Huel at the weekend. I was on a business trip thing and we had good food around us all day. Didn´t eat that much of if though, because I didn´t want to.

Monday, May 8th 2017
Had one Huel over the day as it was a quite stressful day. Did my Huel with (normal) milk this time, did not really do wonders in regards of taste, consistency or whatever. I think I will stick to water. Had a great dinner with some friends, so calorie intake was okay.

Tuesday, May 9th 2017
My first Huel is halfway empty. Wonder, whether I should try a 100% Huel week, as I am not motivated to buy groceries for the week today. :smiley: