Anyone in the UK want to sell one bag of Huel Spaghetti Carbonara?

Love Huel, i’d sell my soul to work for them but i’m not buying 3 bags just to taste one scoop of Huel Spaghetti Carbonara to see if I want to buy more.

But ok, I will buy one bag. It looks like you can’t just buy one bag :frowning:
Yes you can build a bundle but I ‘all I want for Christmas, is a scooooopp, baby.’

If anyone wants to sell one bag, i’m happy to buy one - PM me. I’ve been here a while; honest, reliable and a Hueligan in every sese. Can send you seller feedback etc!


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Huelme wants to try carbonara. I’m grimly working my way through a bag of Huel Black whose flavour, it turns out, I really don’t like. A Hueligan’s exchange and mart page would be good. Even just making where we live (on an opt-in basis) could work as a means getting in touch would help here…

I think a nice idea is Huel just sell a 99p pouch for a bowl to try :slight_smile:

you can add single bags to orders or as part of a build your own bundle order.

I’ll sell ya a bag. 50 quid including postage

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There is (or at least was) and unofficial Huel swaps page on Facebook. Might be worth having a look for that (if it still exists).

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Sure I could sort you out one bag.

Can imagine you’ll love it like I do. Sprinkle of black pepper too chefs kiss

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