I’ve just started the Huel Banana flavour on the Black Edition and I’m absolutely loving it, takes just like chopped up banana, I’m just using 2 scoops and 510ml of cold water and it’s going down an absolute treat.
I’ve tried Chocolate and also the Mixed Berry and was not keen but for anyone wanting to try the banana and wondering how it tastes, all I can say is it’s got a real banana along with an oaty taste to it! It’s my top choice and will continue getting this one along with the vanilla.
Welcome to the forum, great to have you here! So glad you’re loving Banana. Top tip: try blending it with a spoonful of peanut butter or Biscoff spread - dreamy.
Went for this option this morning, and by gods it makes a huge difference!
I was just starting to get used to the banana black edition flavour, but adding the peanut butter, makes it extra smooth and adds that amazing peanut butter flavour rippled through it… bumped the calories up a smidge but I’ll just have to compensate them somewhere else
This morning huel is already downed and it normally lasts me TIL lunch, so must be good