Best article about huel vs protein powders?

Hi there,
I thought there was an article or a FAQ answer about how huel is different from regular protein powders. But i can’t seem to find it anymore.

I’m trying to get this point across to my mom, who is coping with chronic lung infections, unhealthy unintended weight loss and also has had doctors’ and dieticians’ recommendations to increase her protein intake. I suggested she use Huel or Huel black and she does like the taste when I let her try them, but she is still using only a cheap drugstore protein powder made solely of pea or soy protein (and eating poorly overall) . I’ve mentioned multiple times that huel is a full meal with all nutrients and vitamins but she didn’t seem to understand why the difference matters. So i was thinking a simple written explanation might do the trick! :slightly_smiling_face:

do you mean this one or this one?


Thanks Phil_C!
I’ve just decided to go ahead and order some Huel for her. I think if she shows it to her dietician, they will understand. Their current advice was a diet including 6 portion of Alpro soy products a day in addition to meat replacement products. It seems like her dietician doesn’t know any other way of increasing the protein and calories in her diet due to her being an ethical vegan, but this diet advice is bizarre and not doable (she’s already feeling sick of all the extra soy milk and desserts). Huel seems like a much healthier and more balanced option!! It’s not as if soy is the only protein source for vegans…

Hi Silvia, apologies for missing your opening post - thanks for stepping in Phil.

Without knowing anything else about what your mum has been recommended, Huel Complete Protein seems like a good fit.

You could also have a look at Huel Black Edition if calories are a problem too and she finds it more palatable. It will depend on the amount of micronutrients in the meal replacements your mum is currently consuming so I’d recommend a gentle suggesting to her dietitian.

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