Black salted caramel

I’ve tried huel in the past but couldn’t get past the taste.I’m determined this time to get healthier with huel.the black salted caramel is so delicious.also,if you’re not keen on the chocolate,add some frozen blackberries or cherries

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Great to hear you love it! I need to get myself some more Salted Caramel Black Edition for my house, love it too! Great suggestion on the berry addition to Chocolate. We have a Chocolate Cherry Flavour Boost which it sounds like you would love! Check it out

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I’ll check them out,thanks

Raspberries, frozen ones, add those and blend! Yummmm!!

I echo this completely the black salted caramel is SO GOOD!!


I am trying a bag of black salted caramel for the first time and wonder why I didn’t try it sooner. It’s lovely freshly made or left in the fridge over night. It’s my favourite flavour at the moment.