Brexit & Huel


I wonder how Brexit will affect Huel in regards to customs and such. I live in Sweden (EU). Does anyone know? I’m afraid the cost will go up by quite a lot if that happens.

We actually have a fulfilment facility in mainland Europe, so this should help. But it’s going to be difficult to predict anything until the end of negotiations, so no effect for the foreseeable future.


Thanks, Tim. I really do hope it will work out when the time comes. For now I just ordered for the first time. Went all in with 2 bags+bars+granola. Exctiting! :smile:

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Whats the status for Sweden post hard Brexit. Are you prepared?

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I will trade some spare bags for flat pack furniture and vegan meatballs.


I’m from Spain, should I stack up a ton of Huel before Brexit? xD

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Hi there, as Brexit is just around the corner, and I’m from Croatia as part of the EU, will there be any difference regarding the current shipping costs (15£) and delivery speed (two days)? What should we expect?

If the arrangement announced today actually goes through, nothing will change right away. There’s a transition period. Then it depends on the trade agreements made in the next few years, and your guess is as good as anyone’s how that will look.

If No Deal happens, which should be impossible at this point, everything will be severely disrupted and Huel will have problems getting ingredients, at least without raising prices considerably. But like I say, that shouldn’t happen.

I’m posting calmly but I’m worried sick.

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It won’t, but the EU have already said they’ll extend article 50 so all’s good. This’ll go on for years because it’s impossible to do without completely f#cking northern Ireland.

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I agree with that assessment, but it has only gone on this long because the DUP have held so much power over the Conservatives. As soon as that stops being true, Northern Ireland is going straight under the bus. The cracks are showing today.

Brexit means Brexit and Huel means Huel.

You Europeans will have to buy your precious huel from me in black market. I’ll send my huel mules across the EU. Just don’t tell the staff.

Or maybe this all been blown out of proportion to grab headlines and everything will be fine.


a correct summation of the past two years generally

In 2016, the UK produced just 49 percent of its food while 30 percent came from countries within the EU.

In 2017, approximately 76 percent of the UK’s vegetable imports and 41 percent of the country’s fruit and nuts imports originated from the EU.

With 73 per cent of pharmaceutical imports coming from the EU, access to pharmaceutical products could be reduced.

But it’ll be fine, it’s not like we need fresh fruit and veg, or medicines. And there definitely won’t be massive delays at ports meaning supply will be interrupted and some fresh produce will rot. That’s just scaremongering by, umm, the government. :roll_eyes:

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So if 76% of our imported veg comes from the EU, the EU have a potential to lose a substantial amount of their income from loss of sales.

Is that going to happen?


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Of course it will Tomo. Once we’re not in the EU how on earth can we possibly continue to import things from EU countries.

I’d imagine Scotland’s going to see a boom in turnip sales though as that once again becomes a staple part of the British diet.

Is there much turnip in huel I wonder.

I never said they’d stop selling to the UK. The issue is that prices will go up because the UK will no longer be part of the single market so we’ll all have to pay more for it. Add to that the fact that not being part of the customs union will increase the amount of time to clear goods through ports and you will have a proportion of fresh produce which will rot because its stuck in a backlog of shipments trying to enter the country.

Plus incidentally there are already reports that some of the food we do grow here which is normally picked by casual migrant workers from the EU is rotting in the fields because of a shortage of workers:

I’m getting very bored of hearing people state that the EU aren’t going to stop selling us stuff - cars, food, medicines, etc - because we’re too important to them as if that’s the whole issue. It isn’t. As a part of the entire EU market the UK isn’t that big - c.60m people out of 513m. If you are prepared to put up with shortages and higher prices for no good reason then bully for you, but this attitude that there will be no impact and it’s all scaremongering is nonsense.

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The prices they sell at will not change. The prices we buy at will - because of fees that our government puts on things, fees that they are in complete control over.

You’re making assumptions. Plenty of fruit and veg comes from all around the world (covering horrifying distances) and still arrives on UK shelves fresh and fine.

I read that. And I know a few farmers with seasonal workers. Part of it is Brexit uncertainty and the £ being worth less on currency exchanges but the thing a lot of places are failing to report is that unemployment is falling across the ‘poorer’ parts of Europe and wages are going up so there’s less need to migrate to the UK to work for the summer - if the farmers really wanted that fruit picked then they need to have increased wages.

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And that they have said will increase for some products. Sounds brilliant. I completely understand that it makes perfect sense that people voted to make their weekly shop more expensive and themselves poorer.

I’m not making assumptions. I’m just repeating what major UK supermarkets have been saying. The logistics of long distance shipments on food are different to short journey, short shelf life products like salad vegetables, grapes, etc. For these the supermarkets have warned about some shipments (not all, I didn’t say all despite you selectively quoting me) rotting because they take longer than planned to clear customs.

Doesn’t change the fact that they didn’t put up wages (either because margins have been hammered down by big supermarkets and they can’t afford to or for some other reason) and food that we are growing isn’t making it to the shops already.

Even the government have said there will be issues as a result of Brexit (Operation Yellowhammer documents) so to claim it’s all being blown out of proportion seems a bit naive.

Anyway, like most Brexit discussions this is an exercise in futility as in most cases positions and opinions are firmly entrenched so debate is pretty pointless.

On that note I’m heading off to the cinema to watch Maleficent :slightly_smiling_face:

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That text was added to the document after the government was compelled to publicise it. While it was an internal document, it was the “base case”.

@Liath is right though. I’ve learned in the past few years that taking the time to write reasoned responses to strangers on the internet, on the subject of Brexit, is a complete waste of time. Enjoy the film!


Don’t get me wrong David, I’m not arguing in favour of Brexit so no mind to change here :). I just find it really annoying when people see lists full of ‘could’, ‘might’ or ‘may’ (like in the article you shared) and turn them into statements like “food will rot at the border” as though it’s fact. We just don’t know.