Can you combine Huel protein powder & Super greens?


I’m wondering if anyone can confirm whether it is ok to combine Huel protein powder and Supergreens in a shake together?? Can you have TOO many vitamins?? What if you were also taking a supplement that included some of the vitamins/ minerals that are contained in one or the other?


Hey, welcome to the Huel forum! :blush:

Yep, there is such thing as too many vitamins, but providing you don’t have any medical conditions, combining one serving of Daily Greens and one serving of Complete Protein shouldn’t exceed the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (maximum dosage considered safe) of any vitamin or mineral.

I would advise taking caution if you’re taking other vitamin & mineral supplements in combination with Daily Greens specifically. As Daily Greens is so high in vitamins and minerals, it’s likely you could replace your supplement with it (providing your supplement is not prescribed by a healthcare professional). Be sure to check the labels and if you’ve like further support with this, just give me a shout.