Delivery time?

Hello, I am just about to order my first batch of Huel, and I am wondering how long time it takes? I live in Sweden, if I order today, when can I expect my delivery?

I also live in Sweden. If you order before 10.30 it takes 2 days usually, after 10.30 then 3 days.


I ordered last weekend, so I guess you could regard that as an order before 10:30 on monday? I’m living in Stockholm so it should arrive this wednesday?

Could anyone tell me the meaning of the fullfillment status ‘Unfulfilled’. That doesn’t sound like it’ll be arriving later today :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks in advance!

Your order has been packed and should be sent tonight, possible delivery time would then be Friday. On the home page it says it takes 2-5 days I believe, so we should be good!

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Thanks Tim!

I got my Huel today friday, just like you said. :yum:

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