Long Delivery Time & Bad Service [Solved] - Good Service


I wanted to ask everyone here how long it takes to get your ordered Huel? I placed my order on January 19th 2019 and I still have not received it. It is ordered to Sweden and the delivery time should be 3-5 days but it has taken forever now. I have contacted the customer service which has done nothing and I have not received any reply from them.

Does anyone else have similar experience and when did you get your Huel?

Kind regards,

@Squizzle is the only swede I know, maybe he can comment on delivery times


This is usually how it goes (Malmö)
Monday: place order
Wednesday: product is shipped (2 days, very rarely day after)
Friday: Huel arrives

So, 4-5 days from purchase. For further up the country it will likely take 1-2 additional days.

Hope that helps


Similar issue - Incorrect Delivery Address

Waiting for a response as well.

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I’ve been checking this one out and it seems we’ve emailed twice, perhaps the replies are in your spam? Sorry for any problems with your order. Message @Tobias_Huel with your phone number and we’ll drop you a call. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your answer Tim. I have now found the answers, which correctly was in my spam folder. I appreciate your help and answer. Thanks for the good service.

Kind regards,
Oskar Bardh

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Thanks for your help and replys guys :slight_smile: