Did anyone else end up on the plan because of the hilarious social media manager from Facebook lol, also what kind of devil magic is this

Thank you Wendy :slight_smile: yes I had a real eating disorder thing going on, I just used to binge all day.
I was stuck in this cycle where I would get really down in the dumps about my weight so I would binge and then get more down so I would eat more it was just a nightmare.
I was doing really really well on the Slim in 6 workout plan from beachbody and was even on the third and final disc but my weight was just staying level and I got really disheartened then some people on Facebook told me that it was because I wasnā€™t eating enough that I wasnā€™t losing any weight, I even showed them my fitness tracker and they told me I needed to be in 2800 calories a day or something stupid like that!!! and that set me off and I went into a 2 month binge and gained about 3 stone in 2 months :frowning: .

Once I got control back of my mental health a little bit I never fully will have I expect I started on huel and have never looked back, I think the thing I miss most is oven chips I used to love having big plates of oven chips.

Since starting the huel I havenā€™t had a slip and had a plate of oven chips or similar (Touchwood).
I miss Facebook quite a lot I decided to not go on Facebook until Iā€™ve got my weight back under control so nothing can set me off or trigger me into a spiral again by someone saying something:-) .
I have to be very careful when people tell me I am not eating enough or something that it doesnā€™t cause a spiral and I instantly overcompensate and slip back to those habits or binge

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Are you sure this is right?

On the 29th of September you put that youā€™ve lost 1st 2lbs, so now that youā€™ve lost 28lbs that means that youā€™ve lost a further 12lbs since then?

Youā€™ve lost 28lbs (2st) since you started (which is awesome by the way), not in the last month (which would be madness, as @GTIPuG pointed out).

Yes this thread contains my ongoing progress.

So when I say " I just hit 2 stone or 28 Pounds for the yanks"

I obviously mean in relation to the thread where I have been giving updates.

So I think the updates I gave if Iā€™m looking back correctly was initially about 10 lbs in a week then I did the update that you are talking about and then I am giving the total now today.

In fact if you look back to when I posted the update that I had lost 10 pounds in about a week yourself and the other user both congratulated me.

It kinda makes it strange to me that in a longer period of time Iā€™ve lost probably not as drastic in as monstrously fast a time yet I feel im getting agro for it

Sorry that last post was a train wreck Iā€™m using text to speech as my hands are a bit wrecked at the moment lol I had to go back and edit that

So to be absolutely crystal Clear since I started on heā€™ll I have now lost 2 stone my target weight is a further stone.

There are 14 pounds in a stone for those who donā€™t use stones.
Once I get near to my target weight probably about 7 lbs off it I would like to start working out so that I am toned and healthy at that point I will look at increasing the calorific input I think

At the moment I have a very sedentary lifestyle so Iā€™m loathe to increase any calories

Not sure if thatā€™s how it is meant to work. I actually quite like them, but I know many donā€™t. They are better now than they used to be too. LOL


You really shouldnā€™t take this aggro at all Emma. Itā€™s certainly not meant that way!

So if the 19th of September was 6 weeks ago tomorrow and youā€™ve lost 28lbs in that time, you are averaging about 4.6lbs per week. Given that you lost 10lbs of that in your first week, youā€™re averaging at 3.6lbs per week for the last 5 weeks. I donā€™t see that as much of a problem to be honest.

I lost 8lbs in my first week (mostly water weight) and lost 4lbs last week, so Iā€™m tracking at a similar loss as you in the early stages.

However I would expect that to drop to a loss of about 1lb-2lbs per week, depending on my calorie deficit.

If you are continuing to lose weight at a rate of 3.5lbs per week you must have a calorie deficit of c12250kcals per week (1lb = 3500kcals), which equates to a 1750kcal defict per day. I personally (and Iā€™m no expert) believe this is a little too much of a deficit and is perhaps what others were alluding to.


Yeah on Melanieā€™s plan in the huel instruction manual it says maintaining wait is 1908 to lose they recommend a deficit of 400 Cal per day do 1508.

Now I do have less than that because instead of having two scoops as Melanie does in the plan for breakfast I have 1.5 and then in the plan Melanie has 2.5 for lunch but I only have 2.
In the plan it also says to have a p.m. snack of one scoop which I donā€™t have a tool to be honest with you and then the evening meal is 520 calories which I never go above I tend to average on the evening meal between 450 to 500 calories average.

Now because I miss the p.m. scoop by not having a snack and I have one scoop less between breakfast and lunch that gives me two scoops spare.

Instead of having those what I like to have as a treat is four ginger nut biscuits because ginger nuts contain no milk so are a little healthier.

I tend to average on my fitness tracker 1282 calories per day .

I hope that helps clarify.

But the thing is Iā€™m happy and itā€™s working and I really really canā€™t stress to people enough that they shouldnā€™t be encouraging me to eat please because it really doesnā€™t help my eating disorder thanks.
Rest assured I am very aware that when Iā€™m approaching my goal I need to replace what Iā€™m doing with exercise and an increased calorific input to create a healthy level that can maintain throughout while allowing for the occasional treat like a meal out.

Iā€™m very target driven and the main goal is I really want to meet my partnerā€™s children at Christmas weā€™ve been going out for 2 years and Iā€™ve never met them because Iā€™m so self-conscious about my weight and itā€™s a little bit of a source of pain for him they are wonderful and understand but I really donā€™t want to let him down all myself of course just rest assured Iā€™m doing it for me


Just a heads up before anybody gets a little Up In Arms about that statement I want to be clear thatā€™s not in reference to what anyone said Iā€™m just making sure everyoneā€™s aware so nobody encourages me to eat more please please please please please please lol

Just to make everyone aware I have a really really really sedentary lifestyle I donā€™t leave the house really at all and pretty much Iā€™m very stationery so just a heads up on the calories Iā€™m using are literally for breathing and eyeballs lol

No one is getting aggro, I mean I quite frankly couldnā€™t care less.

I was just making an objective observation - Unless youā€™re morbidly obese with a gastric band, 28lb in one month is too fast. Not just for me, not just for you, itā€™s objectively too fast and is unhealthy.

Really nice attitude.

If you couldnā€™t care less than stay the heck out of my thread clearly that isnā€™t true because youā€™re still in here commenting on my thread.

If you donā€™t care then just leave me alone.


28lbs in a month is fast, but if 10lb of that was in first week (& likely to be a lot of water weight), then it becomes a little less extreme. I think GTIā€™s concern (which could have been expressed much more kindly) us that you are not just losing fat but muscle tissue as well, which is definitely not healthy & is harmful. It is always advised to seek guidance from your doctor before embarking on any kind of drastic change to your diet/exercise regime, so perhaps this something to consider & see what your Dr thinks? He/she is likely best placed to give their opinion on your health with regard to this.

Anecdotally tho it sounds like you are doing great & feeling well & happy with the changes you have made, so just watch out for negative feedback & listen to your bodyā€¦ If you are hungry, eat, but healthily as you have been doing & you wonā€™t go far wrong. Well done on your success so far!


Thank you venusfly for the comments :slight_smile: due to my disability I see my doctor quite regular.

I have quite regular bloods done as well including all the standards lfts lipids etc etc.
For example just in the last 2 weeks Iā€™ve seen the doctor once and another Dr separately I have seen the nurse twice already and had two sets of blood works done.
The second set were protein marker wake up because of some concerns on the first test this was based on the clock protein markers and showing inflammation indicators all possible infection indicators it turned out I had a UTI in coming so that was caught quite early Iā€™m quite prone to those so thatā€™s not really a concern.

The one I saw just the other week did actually do a full health check work down and was a little bit rude about my way to be completely honest with you poking my tummy and laughing while saying well we know thatā€™s not water!

But she is normally really nice doctors so I let it slide :-).

I also before I became disabled was a nurse in high dependency so Iā€™m very good at doing work ups and understanding things like that.
That from the perspective of a Healthcare I get pretty hardcore coverage from them Iā€™m really lucky in fact Iā€™m seeing the nurse again on the 1st.

If we can telephone consultations Iā€™ve had three doctors appointments this month and this will be 3 nurse appointments lol :slight_smile:

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Spot on. No intention to be ā€œunkindā€, just trying to point out something potentially dangerous to health. Not being overly emotive doesnā€™t correspond to being unkind, nor does responding to 20000000 words with ā€œMeh, whatever then.ā€.

I fully understand the advice isnā€™t welcome here so Iā€™ll just take a backseat.

Once again for the second time I am requesting that you please leave me alone.

If you are going to take a back seat and you have nothing further to say then thereā€™s no point posting again leave me alone please leave me alone leave me alone

Iā€™m not talking to you, Iā€™m talking to Venus.

Stop getting overly aggressive, itā€™s an open forum and we openly communicate, discuss and engage each other. Itā€™s been this way for years and a lot of people have learned a lot of things through sensible debate and discussion.

Yes well I asked people not to encourage me to eat more.
You responded by again saying that it was unhealthy unless I had had a gastric band to be losing that much weight I canā€™t help it I canā€™t help how I lose weight.

I also gain weight very fast if Iā€™m triggered into binge eating cos people go on and on about my weight and I donā€™t Purge as you do I tend to gain weight very rapidly

Iā€™m not doing anything on healthy like eating and purging as I know you say you do in your own thread I donā€™t comment on that why donā€™t you just respect it and leave me alone thereā€™s no need for you to be in here if somebody asks you to leave them alone itā€™s just good manners to leave them alone.

On the subject of that Venus I do often wonder how much of it was just cutting the alcohol out you now alcohol has so much calories in it

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Please leave me alone I can see you typing more comments will you please just leave me alone.

I just want to talk to the people Iā€™m talking to and engage with them