Dismissive communications towards customers by Huel

Think Huel should be looking to hire a grumpy sarcastic get who can be full-time on sending us regular dismissive and belittling communications. It’s no more than we deserve.

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He just said he’s not going to apply.


No I just made it all up in my mind, obviously.

Yeah, I can see that.

Not really. But, at least we’ve complained together.

I have no idea what you’re trying to say here, or where I’ve said this.

They’re transparent to a certain degree. They just draw the line at where they’re transparent at an odd place.

Are this and the previous statements mutually exclusive. No, being transparent is a gradient.

I had my English practice, and this served its purpose. Probably should have explained my thoughts in a better and clearer way. I still think the responses here are representative of the different opinions around this subject on the Huel forum. Now I know Huel doesn’t really care about being transparent or pro-consumer. It’s just a marketing gimmick for them, with little true value in their decision making. Nothing wrong with that at the end of the day. And that conclusion is just my personal view on the subject, everyone should form their own. I was just unsure about it previously. I just couldn’t get a clear read on what approach Huel really had about communicating. If it was a habit to communicate in such a manner that they have recently communicated in, or just few times they miscommunicated in a manner that didn’t fairly represent their communications style.

I think there’s enough information here for everyone to personally form their own conclusion at this point. We’ve established that Huel sees little wrong with the way they have communicated, so they’re probably going to maintain the direction they’ve taken on this subject. This topic has served its purpose. Not much here to dig around for anymore, if no new arguments are presented.

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I still want clarification on the dogs-at-work thing. Mainly:

  • How many dogs?
  • Are there photos?

@amie_huel please answer these important questions.


Are they recruiting dogs? I have a couple here would do very well…
Always alert and very eager to please. Filthy personal habits.

I think they’d fit right in if the gossip I’ve heard from the Tring massive is correct.

Meet Bailey and Tommy. (Tommy hugger, Bailey huggie)


Well that’s cheered me right up, that has :+1::heart:

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Wait, Tommy is just hugging, right…?


Thanks, Amie! I would die for them.


That explains Bailey’s “must you film this?” expression.


Aw they are beautiful dogs. :cat2::black_cat:

:black_heart: :orange_heart: :black_heart: :orange_heart: :black_heart: :orange_heart::hugs:

And from the event itself… :grimacing:

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He didn’t coin the phrase, but somehow still got his name on it.


Tough on all the Dicks in the world. They aren’t all bad.