Email typo alert!


I don’t know what you mean. We just counted the Flavour Boost Taster pack twice before packing.

:wink: Thanks!


I got that email too. But there was no way of getting a discounted (or dicounted!) pack of boosts. I’m assuming because that email is aimed at new huellers (sounds like it), but is triggered by a pop up on the website even if you’re logged in.

BTW @Tim_Huel when are the new flavours going to be ready to be dispatched?
I’m excited and impatient :laughing::laughing:
Bought yesterday… thought I’d get them today but they’ve not even been packed yet.
Did you guys get a million excited hueligans all madly ordering new flavours?! :crazy_face:

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As it’s a smaller order it is sent via Royal Mail which I believe has a later cut off time. Order should be going out today.


Woohoo :partying_face: :raised_hands:t2: :tada:
Chocolate cherry :chocolate_bar: :cherries: for the weekend

And I’ve just received this email - fulfilment not going too well?

Wonder how these will taste in porridge?

Sounds like everyone got banana !!
We’ll have to send it all to @hunzas

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Lucky us! Banana and Cherry for same price. I’m not complaining :yum::yum:


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That’s bananas!

Did you get accidental banana too @hunzas ?

No I didn’t because I didn’t yet make an order. :frowning:

I am just about to visit the land of Fire and Ice and decided to wait until I get back before ordering. But I do intend to order banana as well as a few others.