Hey Hueligans, we’ve got some great RTD news for you! We know it’s been a tricky few months for our Ready-to-drink fans. Back in December 2019, due to high demand, we had to temporarily move production to a different facility to ensure all orders were fulfilled.
Despite it being the exact same recipe, we know that many of those in the UK who experienced those changes didn’t enjoy this foil capped version as much as normal. We are sorry about this.
As you know we pride ourselves on being transparent with you guys. To bring you up to speed, we have been working super hard behind the scenes to get things back on track for the UK and have recently moved and started producing at a new factory.
To be sure that you guys will love it, we have done extensive pilot trials and taste tests on this new RTD and it beat the original Ready-to-drink that you once knew and loved!
As of today, the UK will be receiving this new RTD. We’re excited to bring it to you and hope you love it as much as us. For those in the EU, you won’t have any change for the moment and will continue to have the RTD you’ve always had for now.
If you have any questions, then let us know!