Exclusive birthday gift from Huel Account

Does anyone know if I can access the ‘exclusive birthday gift’ section of my account without clicking on the link in the email?

I don’t click on links in emails for obvious reasons…

and is the birthday gift available to subscribers who haven’t received an email?

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I’ve received jack…possibly because my subscription is generally not active. I resume it, place a large order and pause it again until I next need some. Does this mean I miss out on lots of goodies?

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You don’t want to see a video of Huel staff lounging around naked in their hammocks. Enough to put anyone off their shakes.

I haven’t received anything either. Smells fishy.

Send me your address and I’ll send you a gift.

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Will it contain diarrhea?

I trust you so:

Jacob Rees-Mogg
House of Commoners


So err… (coughs awkwardly) Can anyone answer my question please?

Can you repeat the question please.

They never answer my serious question about whether greens is going to be reformulated in this states as well.

I’ve noticed a lot more deaf 'un’s being throw these days.

Well, this is awkward, sorry this was missed!!

Sadly it’s not available on the account area. To be honest it’s a great point and something I’ve raised this morning so thank you for this mention!

I get clicking links in this day and age can be a bit scary, you can open the email in your browser if that makes you feel better. At the top of the email, you should see an option there :blush:

Also, the email will have come from - uk.info@email.huel.com just to help navigate whats true and what’s not!

That’s really helpful. Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

Is this a real thing? I never got such an email!

No. Fake news.

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I received the email a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was strange at first as my birthday is 5th May but didn’t add my DOB on the account. I got the £10 discount off my last subscription order which was nice.

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