Getting in before all the New Year resolutions crowd!

Haha I promise if you keep your scales with your Huel it will take a few seconds extra! But no, scoops aren’t super accurate, they aren’t bad at all, but for your goals you need a bit more precision.

I’m interested to know how much you get in :nerd_face: I might go have a go. Our 50g is not based on packing it in, just a natural, level scoop.

I had my blender jug on the scales with water yesterday put in my 1st scoop and horror upon horror without warning my scales ran out of battery. :thinking:

I just weighed it, once it was firmly packed down and levelled off, and … (drumroll) …I got 50g exactly. :slight_smile:

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I’m not as worried about the scoops as the fact that each of my breakfast and lunch meals are 400cals, ie I then only have around 500 left for dinner, which when eating normal food with the family tends to be more calorific and then there’s the cheeky glass of vino to consider…

Well I have hit my first stone loss, 14lb gone, sorry no idea what that is in those new-fangled kilos but you get the idea!

I had a couple of blips as sometimes you just have to party… but this is a great milestone and means I am 2/5 of the way to my target.

Using Huel for breakfast and some lunches/snacks helps me count the calories and ensure good nutrition while sticking to a daily deficit.

I know when I eventually hit the target I will continue with the breakfasts as it is so much better for me than anything else I was having before. For me this is Black and my favourite out of the three I have tried is Strawberries & Cream.

The weight loss is slowing down so I need to move even more and be careful in the evenings. Having less wine in the house helps!

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What about diluting it with water, very gradually increasing the percentage of water? It may sound weird, but with this my dad managed to reduce his alcohol intake tremendously.

Wow! You’re almost half way towards your goal! Well done, that is awesome to hear!

Make sure that you readjust your calorie requirements, because you are now lighter you will require fewer calories each day. So plug your numbers into that calorie calculator again and change your daily goal. That should stop you from plateauing!

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