Gut health

“Make a difference” Depends on what your definition of difference is I suppose. Are you interested in my gut and energy level and clarity of though, weight gain, the nitrogen levels of my urine?

I’m not going on a Google quest for you but there is proof that enzyme supplementation increases protein absorption dramatically, and there is probably a similar effect on nutrients besides protein too, but that one has far more research behind it! I’ve read a lot of accounts and articles and all the kinds of things you could dig up yourself over the years, but in reality, the only way to really know is to give it a go yourself. Part of the ‘problem’ is that it can be very difficult to differentiate your different effects. If someone smokes, drinks, eats crap and never sleeps dies of a heart attack, which thing led to his heart attack? The answer is all of it, over time. It’s like a reverse of that.

I will say that since I’ve started prioritizing all this stuff and experimenting with this, I can definitely say without a shadow of a doubt that I sleep, think, recover, train, work, concentrate and hold conversation better(really), I have more confidence and learn better, and I’ve dodged several rounds of illnesses that have laid out coworkers and family.

One thing I can’t do, is say that out of Huel, sleep, water, exercise, Mind Lab Pro, Green supplements and enzymes, “which one” has had the effect.