I would like to want people to share their feedback over healthy life at workplace. Are they actually doing it
What is healthy life at workplace?
Translation, maybe?
“How do people maintain a healthy lifestyle at their workplace using Huel?”
On the days I work my 12.5 hour shift I have Huel throughout the day. I have 4 scoops for breakfast, Huel bar at 11am. Huel RTD at 2pm and then a Huel shaker at 6pm. For evening meal I have a soup and a pint. My breakfast Huel is usually with UU with milk, protein powder. On the days I work my 8hours lecturing I have 4 scoops for breakfast, Huel bar at 11am and then 4 scoops at 1pm. I have a cooked meal at home. My exerxise is 2 days weightlifting, squash, pool (billiards) and i cyxle commute and mtb. Hope this helps.
One thing i would say is that if you work at a desk, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle i recommend going for a walk while you have your huel.
To me this is one of the key benefits as before i used to sit at my desk all day, eat my lunch at my desk and never get up throughout the day.
I am currently stuck at a desk job and try to cycle to work 3 times a week, this keeps me healthy and using Huel to keep the weight off. I am having a shake (100g) shared for breakfats/lunch and a normal eveing meal. If I cycle I might have a bowl of Granola aswell when I get to work at 7.30 as I burn around 700 calories each way. I am losing weight doing this (2 - 3lbs per week) and drinking plenty of water at work. My BMI is 23.
Hi, This is the blog i found on how to maintain healthy work life balance. Please suggest more to add this in blog : https://www.myfitnesschat.com/maintaining-a-healthy-work-life-balance/