Hot and Savoury Korma Discontinued

As per title, sad times. It was far and away the best flavour but apparently the least popular. I am at a loss for what to do for lunch now as I hated all the other hot and savoury flavours. Could go back to the normal drinks but they were never quite filling enough


Oh that’s a pity, I liked Korma a lot. Surprised it was least popular.

Hey if you need to make a regular shake a bit more filling you could try adding a scoopful of oats a couple of hours before drinking. If the oats are good quality they soften up quickly and the whole thing is still drinkable but more slurpy. Like overnight oats for the impatient.


I mean Korma was one of the unpopular ones we offered hence the decision to discontinue this one!

Have you maybe tried our Katsu Curry pots? It’s one of our curry options with very little spice and every mouthful is full of flavour. We’ve come a long way since Korma so this could most certainly be a solid option for you give ago :heart:

Thank you for the suggestion but I won’t buy the pots-too much packaging


Looks like I may have to try out an alternative supplier which is a shame. Been having Huel Powder and H & S since they launched but this decision has made me look elsewhere

I wasn’t a fan. That and sweet and sour can both get in the bin.

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Korma was my favourite non-pasta flavour, so this sucks. Now I’m down to just pasta flavours which means I’ll be ordering H&S less, albeit with the rare Sweet & Sour purchase. As much as I enjoy the Carbonara, Bolognese, Chick’n & Mushroom and Cajun flavours, I don’t want pasta all the time and much prefer quinoa-based recipes.

The suggestion for getting Katsu Curry pots instead doesn’t help IMO as it’s once again pasta rather than quinoa & rice, more expensive, more wasteful and takes up far more space. Not to mention the Korma is creamy coconut, has sultanas, etc compared to the pots which, despite some brilliant tasting seasonings, are almost all copy and paste templates texture-wise with the same boring textured chunks.

Still gutted over the Mac & Cheeze flavour being made significantly worse and no actions from our feedback since, resulting in what was a monthly staple purchase changing to having none ever again. Now Korma is gone too. Sad day for Hot & Savoury.


I’m also pretty annoyed by the decision to discontinue the Korma with such little notice, especially after they also temporarily withdrew the Thai Green Curry due to some remote possibility of celery contamination.

Mixing the two of these together made for a really nice meal, and now means that the only other rice based H&S that I actually like is the Mexican Chilli.

And no, I will not be buying any of the pot flavours; far too much packaging & too expensive in comparison. But, offer them in an H&S bag and I’ll happily try them.


I found the Korma was ok enough either as a base to add other flavours or mixing it with other Huels. For ex, Madras is too hot for me so mixing the two made a great meal.

I hope more non pasta based H&S are being formulated as one of my drivers to use Huel is to reduce the amount of wheat I consume


Out of curiosity. I guess you mean that Korma was unpopular based on sales. But was it unpopular based upon REPEAT-sales? Meaning it might be that people didn’t like the IDEA of Korma and never tried it. So absolute sales were low. But that those that did take the step to try it loved it, and so repeat-sales were actually quite good.

If repeat-sales for some products are good (customer-satisfaction / loyalty) but overall sales are low there might be case for sustaining the product line whilst encouraging more people to try it. Since we seem to be moving to single-portion packs that might involve giving out free samples or selling multi-flavour taster packs.


So we wouldn’t just remove a product without certain justifications to do so.

When making these decisions we look at the following

  • Repeat Rate (RR) - This measures how often you, our Hueligans, come back for more Huel products, whether it’s the same flavour, another flavour, or something totally different. It’s important because it helps us rank clearly which products are preferred and which are good gateways to other products.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) - This metric asks how likely you are to recommend Huel to your friends and family. A high score from you means we’re doing things right and that you’re spreading the Huel love! It’s not directly product related, but we can draw correlations with the above metrics and products to help form a picture.
  • Complaints - While they might seem like bad news, your complaints are actually golden opportunities for us to improve. We appreciate your feedback and aim to turn negatives into positives where possible.

All of this is taken into consideration when making a decision like this.

Of course you can never say never and this could be something we see in the future!

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All but one of the flavours I like and can eat are going so I’m cancelling. I’m allergic to mustard so quite a few are out for me anyway.

The email about it went to my spam folder, so I’ve probably received the Thai Green Curry in my latest box (unopened until I finish the last lot in a couple of days). Not happy about the decisions at all. Extra packaging, reduction in flavours, and I mix and match so the single serve pouches are going to be a pain.

Pity. I love the ease of using Huel H&S. Shopping is a breeze, no cooking, minimal clean up, and not using any soya was a huge draw. I have CFS-like symptoms (no diagnosis going on 18 months now), so the time and energy Huel saved me was brilliant.


I’m sorry the email went to your spam! If this is the case please drop us an email and I’ll see if there is anything we can do to rectify this for you.

The last thing we want is for your CF-S to be affected so I hope we could maybe something that could work in place. We do have various flavours that don’t contain mustard. Would you be open to giving any of these ago or have you tried these in the past?

Sad to hear! It was my favourite H&S by far. I’ve tried all the other flavours and korma was the only one that never got old. I usually like strong flavours, just not with this product it seems

Welcome to the forum!

I’m sorry that this was a strong fav of yours :heart:

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Do Huel have any plans of introducing a replacement? Something that is gluten free and low spice? There’s not much choice in the gluten free range, especially without looking at the pots, which as others have commented leads to a lot of packaging & space used for storage.

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We’re always moving and shaking here at Huel so this could be something which we introduce in the future!

We’ll always do our best to keep you informed on what’s up and coming :eyes:

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Katsu as a replacement for Korma!? You’re not a curry man are you Mark :laughing:

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I mean I like Curry if that helps :sweat_smile:

Judging by your comment it doesn’t :joy::joy::joy:

haha, nah I get where you’re coming from but they’re totally different in my book.

What you need is a Phaal H&S, any chance you could get someone working on that? :laughing: