Hot & Savoury update - real talk

Abby, welcome back! It’s been a while :heart:

I am sorry that this is the case, things are always changing here at Huel so we could potentially see something introduced that could work for you.

As for something with not much spicy is it down to personal preference or medical reasons?

I’m sorry to hear this! (Welcome to the forum)

Completely understand where you are coming from, were you a fan of the formula change?

I’m not new here - had an account a while ago, but it seems to have been deleted.

I preferred the original, but didn’t dislike the new version…

I do have a question. Why are the new flavors only offered in pots, not meal packs? This seems counter intuitive, given that pots are harder on the environment. Additionally, only two flavors of meal packs are not spicy - I literally cannot eat any level of spicy. It definitely seems like Huel isn’t for people like me anymore, which is sad.

Now that Huel is using single meal pouches, for the same price as the seven meal pouches, I can see no real reason for them to continue with the pots long term, aside from the fact that they are more expensive to purchase which may mean more profitable…if they no more, or less profitable, then again pouches are better.

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It’s been a real priority for us to increase the range of Noodle flavours to bring in line with the offering we have of Pouches. So that’s why our latest H&S flavour releases have all been Noodles, and thus Pots.

Now we have Meal Packs out there, we’re interested in launching some new flavours, so let us know what flavours of Pastas and Grains you would like to see!

I think that there’s a world in which we see our Noodles go into Meal Packs as well. Right now we like having Noodles in Pots, Pastas/Grains in pouches though because Noodles are more commonly found in Pots, whereas Pastas/Grains less so. It also gives us a bit of range price difference, with the more convenient, premium Noodle flavours in a Cup and a more wallet friendly option in Meal Packs. You can already see this with our ranges, like Black Edition vs v3.1 Powder, or even RTD vs Powder.

Meal Packs is a big project that is still ongoing until we launch into UK/EU, so give us time

For starters you can just go ahead and restore Spaghetti Carbonara and Korma to the lineup. No excuses.

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Kimchi with noodles or rice.
Penne all’arrabbiata with pasta.
Haggis with grains.

first would be great, second would be nice, third would be fantastic. :partying_face:

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Man I’m very sad to see carbonara go, that’s the one flavour that stuck with me as the best out of the whole lineup. I guess i’ll have to stock up…
Now if you replace it with something like chicken paprikash pasta along the lines of this maggi one i’d be happy :smiley: Maggi PárPerc Paprikás csirke ízű tészta | Maggi

You are right it’s going, going into a pot now so you can still get it! :wink:

It’s an interesting suggestion, who knows what we could see :eyes:

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Sadly I’m in Hungary which is not part of the UK or did I miss something? :smiley:

I just signed up to say this is great news - I transitioned from the bags to pots because of the convenience and portioning, but missed some of the flavours (Chick’n & Mushroom in particular!)

Look forward to having a bit more variety back, as the Korean BBQ and Hoisin Duck are too sweet for me so I’ve been stuck with only Carbonara / Katsu Curry for the past few months!

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You can find all the details for the UK/EU markets in the comms! :heart:

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Welcome to the forum!!

Amazing to hear you are fan of the new changes. Be sure to keep us posted how you get on :heart:

Medical. Gallbladder can’t handle spice.

I just went to order more Mac n Cheez and found out it’s been discontinued. I’m really bummed - as a vegan, my options for this are super limited. It was a huge comfort food for me. The curries and Mexican chili flavors are way too heavily spiced for me. I am glad the Chik’n and Mushroom is still there - it’s the only flavor left I like.

I’m bummed about the packaging change as well, because I try to reduce my waste and environmental impact as much as possible. But I understand the thinking. Would you ever consider moving to commercially compostable packaging? I would love the individual packet idea if I could put the pouch in my compost after. Compostable packaging would ease my concern with the cups as well.

We are always reviewing our options and finding the best ways to ship our products without compromising the quality. Who knows what we could see in the future :heart:

New here from UK, used Hurl for the first time last August with my partner as a substitute for hiking food, we had the sweet and sour and the korma. Hearing these changes is a real disappointment because:

  1. My partner is limited to gluten free, and a number of the discontinued flavours seem to be just that.
  2. I hate spicy food, which appears to be the remaining gluten free options. So we won’t be buying any time soon.
  3. Agreed with others that more plastic packaging is devolving.
  4. The flexibility to have different portion sizes (usually more considering how little calories there are) was very handy, especially for hiking. Surely this benefitted Huel as well, because we could finish the food faster?
  5. I genuinely see no benefit from the new changes, adding a single scoop is just as easy as opening a packet.

We just want any non-spicy gluten free option back: bring back the korma, or the sweet and sour, or create something like a chana dal, looking at the comments, we aren’t the only ones. Thanks.

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If I was hiking I think I’d find individual sachets very convenient. Better than carrying a big bagful with a scoop, or the hassle of portioning out individual servings before setting off.

In the early days of Huel, there were single serve sachets of Huel powder in 100g portions. In similar packaging to the new ones. Indeed I found them useful for that, and also at festivals and when flying.

From what I remember the single serve pouches made from paper that things like porridge oats are sold in, don’t protect the nutrients in Huel so they degrade quite quickly. The nutrients in oats are less complex.

I recall that Vivo Life had moved their powdered products to more environmentally friendly packaging a couple of years ago. So it can be done.