Huel 100%: 1 Week Challenge

Huel Challenge Review

We’ve come to the end of my little Huel 1 week experiment :smiley: Thanks to everyone who joined me, and I hope it’s informative for those who are thinking of doing Huel 100% or just starting Huel really.

Looking back to my first post,

All :white_check_mark:, sans a day when my window was 9h, and one when I had 1500kcal. Largely ate at those meal timings, sans a day when I sipped my Huel snack at a cafe. Only had a day at the beginning when I drank coffee and chewed gum.

  1. Yes, but went anyways and explained my “Smoothie Challenge”
  2. Tbh quite glad I didn’t go for the Formal bc it has shit food, but I joined them after nonetheless! Didn’t miss out at all.
  3. Got my Camelbak and it wasn’t a problem.
  4. Chewing was fine with Huel granola. Craved roasted vegetables, but also went away with Huel granola, which apparently my brain deems savoury enough.
  5. There were days (especially when period) I almost felt as though I was binging on Huel granola, but no binge urges for sweets or the like.
  1. Start Weight: 59.0-2kg | End Weight: 58.3kg | Weight Lost: 0.7-0.9kg
  2. Yep, no craving for sweets! I DO miss c/sing as an stress relief activity though.
  3. Wasn’t too difficult honestly :slight_smile: Hunger was nearly nonexistent, or very manageable.

Aaaaaaaaaand that’s a wrap! :slight_smile: See you back at my other thread: 📓 Daily Journal: Intermittent Fasting (16:8), ED Recovery and Weight Loss :tada:

@DaisyFlowers23 @annacountrybell @Tzinsli @Dln1965 @madeleine how have your journeys been? :slight_smile: