Huel being available in Australia: Very Important

Hi there, I’m in a similar situation as a few of you, having grown to love Huel in the UK and recently moved to Australia. In case it is of interest to you I thought I would share that I recently brought 2 bags of Huel with me to Australia successfully.

I traveled from London Heathrow to Brisbane International via Abu Dhabi on Emirates. I had my Huel in my checked luggage and I had no trouble at any stage of the journey. On arrival in Australia, I declared that I had Huel and that it was a “protein shake” and the customs official simply said that’s fine and did not even look at the product. Prior to travelling I emailed Australian customs and they said that this bringing this kind of product in should be fine as long as it is in small enough quantities that it is considered to be for personal use and also that the country of manufacture is stated on the packaging (and that they deem the country of manufacture to be acceptable, which the UK is at this time).

So long story short, for me it was possible to bring Huel to Australia. Of course there are no guarantees that this will always be the case, but I hope this might help any of you who are also trying to decide if it is worth trying to bring Huel to Australia with the risk of possibly having it confiscated on arrival. Please do your own research first as I know their guidelines change frequently (including which countries customs allow products from) and always declare all food products as there are fines if you don’t.