It doesn’t seem to actually taste like cookies and cream…it doesn’t taste bad but it doesn’t taste like what it…should(?) either, more of just neutral, unflavoured yet not oat-y taste. The batch number is FP4346
There are no oats in Huel Black so that probably doesn’t help the situation
I posted a while ago the flavour had changed, so had others.
So it definitely has. I took it off my order. Shame as was class before the change.
like it looks like cookies and cream, smells (I think) like cookies and cream, but the taste is just . I saw that post and wasn’t sure if I should/would post it there because I couldn’t know if it’s because of a recent flavour change or just a batch issue
Sorry to hear this, it certainly should taste like it so odd that it doesn’t!
Can you please drop us an email at so we can look into this for you?
Never tried it myself, but this flavour is the only one an ex-collegue liked, even though he disliked almost all the others. Maybe a bad batch. But the Huel team does a good job at checking such issues out and fixing it. It is impressive how customer oriented they are.