Huel bottle after a few days

Hey everyone. Don’t know if this is normal but should my bottle be during this after a weeks of use.

On the picture the logo seems to be coming off. Anything I can do?

Many Thanks


The best things to do are to hand wash the bottle in warm soapy water. You can dishwash the lid. Also try not hold your shaker with your hand / fingers on the logo for too long. sweat does seems to interact with the ink sometimes.

I think it’s contact with the hands that does it. Unfortunately it’s impossible to use it without touching the logo because of the way the drinking part of the lid always lines up with one side or another. It’s a shame but it’s not the end of the world.

I have three bottles, all hand washed in only cold water and only one of them has any label left… Just the way it is

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We are going to switch to a different supplier, who seems to have superior printing.


After ~2 months my shaker is labelled with H only. \o/

Thats for all the feedback.
Its just a shame that its started doing that. I want to show it off and spread the huel word :smiley:

Haha remember when Steve Jobs answered someone who said that there iphone lost signal if they held it in a certain way… Steve Jobs Said “Well don’t hold it like that then!” :slight_smile:


I have 2 Huel bottles, both go in the dishwasher at least daily with no problems but then I don’t give two hoots what the bloody label looks like as long as the damn bottle still functions.

He was obviously a Tommy Cooper fan.

Try not to hold the bottle? Seriously? This is hilarious.

Looking forward to new shakers at some point in the future, btw, best of luck with that. I’ve broken two so far and they all have no logos left.

That was not the whole sentence so not hilarious.

Point stands: The glue is poor, please don’t touch the glue :smiley:

It’s a shaker, it serves the purpose wonderfully. Wear and tear is just what it is.

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Up until now I gathered 3 shakers from different soylent companies and every logo lasted about a month or two of use. No problem for me. Logoless shakers are better anyway, but the process where the logo is still dying isn’t nice. It would be better if no logo was on the shaker in the first place.

I think there’s been talk about a new shaker coming, soon as they find a manufacture to their taste. Something like that. This is not the only post on shaker and logo quality :slight_smile:

The supplier did test washing the shaker in different way. E g. dishwasher etc etc and in general it holds up well Huel logo on Shaker didn't last very long

I’ve got several that have lasted me many months, well over 6 months. I always hand wash my bottles and dishwash the lids.

Having said that I have up to 4 on the go at once.

The problem seem to be sweat and this is why I suggested trying to keep your hands off the logo as much as possible.

Reporting my case: my shaker is less than 1 month old, has only been washed by hand and has not been in the fridge. The logo is still there, but is all sticky now - and scratching it with a fingernail seems to remove it.

Given the other reports, I guess I’ll just scratch it off instead of letting it get worse.

My 4 day old bottle is showing signs of logo wear. But I’m gonna suggest this, perhaps it’s from rubbing on other things in my work bag? Perhaps it’s from poor printing. I don’t know. I’d love a logo that lasts and lasts but I’m not gonna be too upset. Wear and tear. Embossed would be better?

The printing is all done by the manufacturer Buchsteiner, who are probably the biggest and best shaker manufacturer. We do get reports of the logo not lasting but on the other hand I’ve got some that are well over 6 months old and the logo is still pretty good.

The good news is that they have developed a new processed which will “seal” the logo. These should be launched within the next few months.