Huel customer targetted scam from

I’ve started getting sms from random phone numbers about huel subscription renewals with links to a very dodgy looking domain, is this a genuine alert from huel? does look like a geniune marketing service, but I’m very wary of links which could easily be used for fraud which this certainly looks like it as it’s not from the domain

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definitely suspect - dont click on anything and/or block it. you can easily check your own subscription status on your account on the website.

Had this so logged onto Huel directly and it does look like it might be genuine.

Hope so – but if it is – they need to do a better job of how that’s presented. Getting texts from unknown numbers with links to unrecognised domains is just an instant red flag for most people (as it should be). Would be better without the link at all and some sort of message prompting you to check your own account.


I had the same text last time my subscription was due. I just reported it as spam even though I knew it wasn’t.

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Well, if it was unsolicited, it was still spam - I do that all the time with emails especially if they are from IT or HR :rofl:

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Yeah that’s the one, I didn’t directly want to post it in case anyone tried typing the link in :slight_smile:

Heya :wave:
Rest assured these are from us! I get them too :smile:

ok, that’s good to hear. However could you please change the URL or remove the link from the SMS. It’s extremely bad practice to send out this type of link as you’re getting people used to clicking on links that do not originate from your domain and this is exactly the tactic that scammers use.

I should say that because of this I have already reported the SMS I received and the phone number to google as spam and you might start to find that people with android phones won’t receive these messages.


Completely agree with @sk8ninja and prior sentiments in this thread.

  • Didn’t consent to receive SMS messages from Huel.
  • Never want to receive SMS messages from Huel.
  • Any reminders can be simply an email like normal.
  • Would never open suspicious-looking SMS links like this regardless of legitimacy, as I’d go direct to website anyway.
  • Placing the idea in heads of everyday consumers that clicking weird links like this is fine to do significantly increases their risk of being defrauded by actual scammers, thereby making Huel a contributor to the confusion and uncertainty that leads to substantial amounts of people’s lives getting ruined by scams daily. I’ve worked in fincrime for many years and stuff like this is part of the problem, especially when AI-related developments are rapidly disrupting all methods of authentication, identity verification and personal truths.

Always report texts like this as spam, regardless of who it is and whether it’s legitimate, so that it negatively impacts marketing campaign performance/analytics, thereby making the people/companies learn the hard way, because no-one in 2024 should be doing this.

Regardless if there’s smallprint somewhere agreed to years ago, a company should obtain new, clear, opt-in consent for this new purpose if a new SMS campaign is launching, rather than sneakily use old data. The better world is where people are asked how they want their privacy respected, repeatedly, even if they get tired of being asked, compared to one where companies look for sneaky ways to utilise existing old data for more profit.

Huel customer since 2018. Never needed SMS marketing from Huel in 6 years and don’t need it now. Thanks.

Here’s the one I received for reference:
Screenshot 2024-04-07 at 13.57.36


Agreed. I don’t mind a text message as a reminder, but take out the link!

I hope we get a response here from Huel about this very soon, it seems like a legitimate and serious concern.

We really appreciate the feedback on the style of our new SMS communications, it’s been hugely insightful for us to receive direct feedback. We’ve listened to what’s been shared and as a result we will be displaying a more generic Huel link within these messages ongoing.

It’s worth noting that these messages are sent as a service reminder rather than a marketing message. The style of URL within these messages is very common withing service communications however your opinion is valuable to us which is why we’ve proceeded to change this. If you wish to stop receiving these subscription reminders at any point you can simply respond to the message with the word STOP.


@amie_huel Thanks for listening!

Whilst it may be a common practice within service communications, often the people who commission these styles of communications don’t understand good security practices. It’s great to deal with a company that listens and responds positively like Huel! :slight_smile: