Huel First Timer: Few Questions

My first post: So my 100g vanilla sample arrived today, mixed it with about 500 ml and am currently drinking it.

But I have a few questions for the Huel veterans out there :wink:

  1. I like the taste but it seems to be very gritty, I shook it very well, any tips for making it smoother?
  2. There is a fair amount of residue on the sides of the bottle, mainly what I presume to be flaxseed, do people find that this is an issue, do you try to get it all when drinking it?
  3. Have any of you had a problem sticking to a huel heavy diet?

Thanks in advance, looking forward to hearing from you all and buying my first bulk order :grin:


Mixerballs are a good addition to a shaker

Or a blender.

If Iā€™m using a shaker I go for it like itā€™s going out of fashion for as long as I can stand it - but thatā€™s because I like to, its not at all essential to.

I then refrigerate and have it next day. It does change the texture but shake it again, not at all vigorously on second occasion.

Occasionally have a small layer of bits at the bottom. I add more water and down these. They are part of the nutritional make-up.

Iā€™ve had 3 ā€˜solidā€™ meals since 25th January 2016, been 100% Huel the rest of the time.

Hi :smiley:

  1. Make it in a blender the night before and leave it in the fridge overnight.
  2. After youā€™ve finished, put a bit of water in, give it a shake, and drink it.
  3. I donā€™t have many 100% Huel days. I tend to still have evening meals, but have Huel for the rest of the day. No problem at all sticking to this.

Thanks! Iā€™ll give it some more consideration, and then if I do end up taking the plunge I think Iā€™ll buy a neutri-bullet style blender. The kind that you attach the ā€œshakerā€ to directly and see how that goes. I want to go 100% but not sure if I have the will power to give up steak :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you, thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking, I may buy a blender if I take the plunge. :slight_smile:

why give up Steak Mathew? if you like it so much why not make a good steak something to look forward to occasionally, that is my plans for the foods i enjoy.

I use a BlendActive blender - like so

It seems to work pretty well to be fair. Sometimes I get a little residue stuck on the sides, but overall it gives a good consistency. My only gripe is that itā€™s only a 600ml bottle, whereas the Huel Shaker holds a bit more. So when I use 4 scoops, itā€™s a bit too think as I canā€™t add enough water. Just a tip, add 100ml of water first, then the powder, then more water.

What I generally do though, is mix it using the blend active, pour it into the Huel Shaker and then 100ml of water to clean the BlendActive shaker (mostly) and then pour that into the Huel Shaker.

Or if iā€™m on a 2 shakes a day, just use 3.5 scoops for the blendactive one and have that for breakfast.

Also, I recommend leaving it in the fridge overnight, it thickens up and it seems more filling when I do leave it overnight.

I make up two batches the night before using a Nutri-Bullet and then keep these in the fridge overnight, consuming 1 for breakfast and taking the second with me to work. I find the bottle provided great for use at home but not as secure in my bag when commuting so I just use the Huel bottle for my breakfast and give it a quick wash before I leave the house. My second bottle is actually the larger bottle that comes with the Nutri-bullet and I just swap the blade for the air-tight lids (great as it means I have less washing up to do) :slight_smile:

Current flavours Iā€™m rotating are vanilla Huel with fresh strawberries/blueberries and loving my vanilla Huel with one banana, a dash of cinnamon and a spoonful of granulated coffee. Residue in the bottle just gets washed down with some extra water at the end.

Been Huel-ling for a full week now and adapted with no problems, eating a normal healthy meal in the evenings just to be sociable with my wife. Not seen a dramatic change in weight yet (shooting for 500 less calories than needed) but body composition seems different - a bit less bloated and certainly better energy levels and no desire to snack.

Intend to Huel for a few more weeks before deciding whether it will be a permanent fixture or not but all good thus far.

I have one of those style blenders, I got it for making fruit drinks a while back and it seems to work very well for Huel so far.

I use a nutribullet to blend prior to chilling. I add a mixer ball in as well though so it is easier to loosen up after cooling down.