Huel in China

I love you long time @ian42

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@Ian42 haha yeah well obviously I could see it in what you copy and pasted, but that is not what I got when I clicked on your link!!!


Iā€™m blaming it on my phone, its been doing wierd shit for a couple of days now. I also blame @Ian42 cos it was your link. And my phone might get offended and do even more wierd stuff if I give it total blame :wink:


Now this is a porn site click on this www.pornhub.vom

Oh dam I canā€™t spell :astonished:

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Tim is gonna love us when he gets back into work after Christmas.


For once it is not my fault.


@ChristinaT try this link and see if you get any pornā€¦


Yeah I got food porn :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:


Of course, youā€™re on your best behaviour cos you donā€™t want coal in your stocking. :laughing: :santa:

I know. Iā€™ve already got anthracitis in my heel
and itā€™s painful


Unless heā€™s transitioning, I donā€™t think so. :laughing:

OK, I admit I donā€™t get that LOL

Ok, Iā€™ll try to be clearerā€¦
Donā€™t think Tim was featured in the porn as it was pretty much all women, I think. So unless Tim has had top surgery, he wonā€™t be in there. Are you disappointed?

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Oh, sorry. I thought you were replying to my anthracites in heel commentā€¦but yeah still donā€™t get it/

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Tim is the king of porn, big Tim they call him in his filmsā€¦

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Nah, Iā€™m not clever enough to think of a witty comeback on that one, youā€™ve out-foxed me there. Iā€™m surprised you didnā€™t seize on the reference to stockings though, and run with it. You really have turned over a new (cannabis) leaf!

Better to be Big Tim than Tiny Tim, I suppose. :musical_score: Tiptoe through the tulipsā€¦

Unlikely, the porn I watch doesnā€™t have any women in itā€¦

I am born again. Not even a puke gag from me

Just animals

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