Huel on holiday

Hi. Just got back from a Huel fuelled four day hike in the Lake District. Four scoop Huel shake for breakfast and a couple of Huel bars throughout the day. Typically covered 15-20 miles each day up and down the mountains and not once did I feel hungry or tired. Had a regular meal in the evening.

Just thought Iā€™d share with you :+1:


I have complete the Fred Whitton 112 mile ride in the lakes on Sunday and I started at 4am with a 500 cal Huel shake and had 3 bars on the ride with a couple of gels and lots at the feed stations, I managed the ride over 9 hours and it help fuel my ride and I felt great until the end.


Brilliant, well done. Huel power !

Awesome photo! Thanks for sharing it on IG too, Iā€™d love to repost it soon - the Lakes are so beautiful. Top work on the bike ride too @mally, really impressive and glad we were there with you!