Huel Original Flavour

I don’t think huel use real vanilla or I could be wrong on that.

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Huel is completely natural, milked from the teat of the Huelbeast.


True. But vanilla huel tastes not even vaguely like real vanilla.

No they don’t. Vanilla is as evil as and as all pervasive as Berry. I’ve attempted to mask both with every strong flavoured food item in existence. Its just not possible. The only combination that was drinkable was vanilla plus espresso coffee powder, which was quite nice - like an americano with a toffee shot.
I preferred UU plus old mocha boost tho.

Hi @Julian what you’ve said is clear yes, but this information has not been communicated well amongst the Huel team and has therefore led to numerous conflicting messages from numerous staff. In fact everyone has said something different and I’m sure you can see why this is frustrating and confusing for us as consumers.

I think John and I summarised the conflicting communications fairly well above although neither of us included the additional incorrect / incomplete information coming from individual customer experience emails.

This is very obviously not a case of any individual staff member having not read an email, it is clearly poor internal communication company-wide, which has left nobody really knowing what was happening, subsequently leading to incorrect and conflicting messages being passed to us.

This isn’t a complaint - simply constructive feedback. I only use original occasionally anyway so one bag lasts me a long time, so the issue hopefully will not effect me personally.
I look forwards to hearing the results of the original v3 taste tests :slightly_smiling_face:


The Original flavour is just that, the Original Vanilla flavour. We weren’t happy with it though and changed the flavour to a better Vanilla (dodged heckles and projectiles), this kept the name Vanilla and the old vanilla Huel went to Original (Vanilla) and later Original. That was December 2017.

So whether you mix your flavour boosts with Original or Vanilla you are mixing them with a vanilla flavoured Huel. The name original has nothing to do with it being a base flavour, both our Original and Vanilla are excellent base flavours, although some here who use and love Original prefer to mix their Flavour Boosts with Original, it’s just personal preference.

Our Flavour Boosts have recently been reformulated and have been designed to work well with Vanilla, Original or UU (although clearly for Unflavoured you would need to add more Flavour Boost).

Thanks for the feedback and I have apologised for the confusion. We’re a dynamic company and can make decisions quickly. When it comes to Original Huel, I have said to listen to Julian from now on.


No worries, we are all clear now.
I did think it was a brilliant idea to keep the original flavour at the original recipe and the original price, so it’s a shame this isn’t going to happen after all.
Hopefully v3 will be so awesome, no one will care though :grin:

To quote Julian:

  1. Just to confirm v2.3 will be available for a while to buy on the new Huel outlet page on . The outlet page will be live in the next few days, simply scroll down to the footer where the link will be added. My estimate is that we will have about 2-3 months stock, but it’s tricky to know for sure and availability will vary between flavours, Professional and Gluten-free (some will be shorter, some longer).

If we see significant orders of v2.3 around the time the stock runs out we may consider creating more stock. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think they’ve made it fairly clear that this will be short term availability only though. Hence calling it ‘outlet’.
I’m hoping v3 UU tastes as good as UU 2.3, and the yeasts don’t affect me.
I’m also hoping some of the premix flavours will be more appealing to my controversial taste buds :laughing:

You won’t believe what these controversial taste buds are saying about these 5 new premix flavours. Number 4 will blow your mind! Doctors hate them!!


I hope they keep the original formula for at least one product - I’m severely allergic to yeasts and can’t have fish so the new formula is in no way suitable for me :frowning:


I can’t understand why original flavour is being removed. I always thought this would be the most popular flavour. I have been going to the trouble of mixing the vanillar and unflavoured together mainly for the reason that I don’t want to give in to my sweet tooth and guzzle the vanilla, which yes is too sweet for me and is just delicious like a vanilla milk shake or ice cream. I’m always trying to cut down on my sweet and chocolate consumption so I’m always quite surprised that people want all these sweet flavour additives, cholcate, salted caramel etc.

Anyway I can’t be the only one who very much wants unflavoured - I often just have this without any vanillar and find that quite sweet and delicious. I’ll have to look or an alernative to Huel. Just can’t believe why they are doing this if its true


It isn’t being removed it will just switch to v3 formulation once the flavor is approved and current stocks are depleted


A data-driven company.
A drama-driven community.


I use mostly Huel UU for breakfast in which I blend frozen fruit or protein pwoder and Huel Original which I use at work. To the original I add flavours but also use it plain. The only other flavour I like is the chocolate. If original flavour ceases to be available then my use of Huel will be reduced to breakfast times or post gym and used at home.
I find the vanilla flavour to be really unpalatable.

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I think @hbmcd meant the v2.3 as it is. I think Huel could do a simple table with the “old” and the “new” versions regarding all changes, easier to see at a glance, rather the repeated individual questions and doubts whose answers seem to vary. Just for the sake of clarity.

I believe between the article and Julians answers so far it’s as clear as it could be

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Only became clearer after Huel Original Flavour being removed. I still
think a simple table would avoid all that.

@Tim_Huel any word on the Original v3 taste tests Tim? or is it in limbo pending any decisions on changing the formulation again to ditch the kelp?

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Also allergic to yeast, how to stop eating processed food in one simple step, huh!