Same problem here at Dartford, I searched the store and couldn’t find them, I’ve since contact customer services who tell me it is in stock, when I return I’ll be getting them to check out back for me.
That means you just pick it up and walk out
Sainsbury’s are definitely not making any effort to display or sell their Huel !!
It’s pretty pathetic really - losing it, leaving it in the store room, not pricing it up, not knowing where they’ve displayed it, and putting it with the flavoured milks… no thought or effort whatsoever.
Like @Liath pointed out, they are probably not going to continue stocking it if it doesn’t sell, but it certainly won’t sell if they don’t put it on the shelves!
I’m not sure who’s job at Huel it is, to get the product into stores, but they need to be more proactive about giving Sainsbury’s stores guidance on how and where to display it to give it the best chance of success.
Chiller cabinets with the food-to-go / sandwich meal-deals, plus the free-from section, would be a good start. Shoving it in next to the chocolate milk isn’t a good place at all
I wonder if, eventually, one day in the future, supermarkets will only contain various nutritionally complete food products. Like, if eventually it becomes possible to have any taste/texture experience with a complete food product, humans might eventually realise that having all foods be nutritionally complete would be the only sensible way to consume food. For example, if it becomes possible to have nutritionally complete crisps, burgers, strawberries, ice cream, whatever you want (maybe even hula hoops and cider flavoured ice lollies), why would you buy the non-nutritionally complete versions of those foods?
I suppose there willl always be people who like making things themselves from scratch, just like some people enjoy building cars and motorbikes from kits or whatever. But I’m talking about the average person who too busy taking selfies and typing “LOL” to insane porn videos to even begin to understand how nutrition really works.
So, like, just as you lot are currently struggling find just ONE GODDAM BOTTLE of this mythical Huel RTD in a supermarket, one day there might be someone desperately trying to find a normal orange on the shelves somewhere. So then they ask the manager and he’s like, “Oh, yeah, I think we’ve got some somewhere, probably underneath the Donald Trump Halloween masks…”
My head is full of interesting ideas that I sometimes write down…
November 1st? lol
Hey @Marcus have you tried the RTD? You used to get headaches with the powder right? Have you tried any of the new flavours?
Hey @RyanT thank you for remembering me and showing an interest. After some time away from Huel, I decided to experiment with it again. Just recently been trying Banana and Berry standard version. Very slight headaches. Just got an order of the gluten free version of the same flavours to see if that makes a difference, and got 1 bottle of RTD berry with my order, which I’ll probably drink later.
To be honest, though, the headaches seem to usually be so mild and disappear after a while that it’s almost worth putting up with them anway. I find Huel such a timesaver and love the taste of it, and my experiments with other foods have often resulted in me reacting in some way. Either I get flatulent or I get headaches from almost anything I eat. Huel tends to go down well in terms of digestion, and the headaches are very mild, so it is very tempting to stick with Huel.
@Marcus what happened to the long hair
He had it cut mate.
Lack of Huel made it fall out, the same will happen to @hunzas if he stops as well
@hunzas is all but ready for the scrap heap anyway. Huel is probably the only thing keeping him going.
And hatred of mankind.
I had it cut a bit, then it grew long again, then I had it cut a bit, then it grew long again, and this kept happening multiple times. Then in July this year I fancied a big change so I got it cut really short. I’ve had it cut again since then. Seem to be getting more matches on Tinder since I got it cut short. Just been on a date today. Got two different dates planned already for during the week. It might all be getting a bit out of hand to be honest.
Haha just wait til they found out about the flatulence
It’s customary to hold it in on the first date, possibly the second date too
Berry RTD is wonderful, by the way. Exactly what I was hoping it would be like. If I could afford it, and if the bottles were edible (maybe that’s for v2.0?), I would happily live just on Berry RTD all the time.
Edible RTD bottles
This is the best idea yet
If this was a thing, I would also live on only Berry RTD
And cacao
Of course
Maybe they could make the bottles out of cacao
This is so sassy I love it.
It’s not a 12 week trial and wouldn’t have been delivered chilled as it is suitable at ambient too.
Blimey, easy Christina! 526 stores and one person at Huel HQ on the sales ‘team’. As a wider team we’re trying to visit as many as possible, but clearly that’s a tall order. I’ll pass these comments on however but let’s give 'em a break.
The RTD is being stored in chillers as we think it’s a better drinking experience, the idea of the RTD being in stores is on-the-go so the free-from section wouldn’t work since it’s stored at ambient. We’ve got a selection of stores with it in the dairy aisle and loads with it in the food-to-go section too!
@Marcus really lovely to see you back on the forum.