Huel version 2.0 is now live!

Thinking about it some more, I’m just wondering whether for future changes the Huel team could discuss it with us before they finalise it? If they are this open to discussing things and taking on board our feedback, why not involve us in the final decision each time? Once the Huel team has a recipe update they are happy with, just before they finalise it they could say to us, “This is how we are about to change it. Does anyone have any major concerns?” It just seems less hassle than actually releasing something and only then informing us of the changes made, and then having to consider whether certain changes were a good idea after all.

I’m trying to think of some kind of analogy, just because I like explaining things using analogies. How about this. You’re hired a builder to build an extension onto the side of your house, and the following conversation happens.

Builder: I just added an extra window. Do you like it?

Home Owner: Hmmm, I’m not sure. It’s kind of in the wrong place. I would have preferred it over there…

Builder: Okay, I’ll just knock it out, remove a bunch of bricks, and put the window over there instead.

Home Owner: Okay, great, but I’m just wondering whether it might have been a good idea to have checked with me first before you put the window in? Also (and sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, because of course you know more about this than I do), but why is there a door that doesn’t lead anywhere?

Builder: Err, well, we just thought having two doors was better because it’s an even number. You know, an odd number of doors just seems incomplete somehow…