Huel version 2.0 is now live!

Just writing to say - I’ve tried Huel v2.0, and it’s delicious. Thanks for making such a great product!


Interesting ingredient that I’ve found though experimentation to be an excellent thickener is Chia seeds. Just a spoonful thickens up things up wonderfully. Very low in Cholesterol and Sodium. A good source of Calcium and Phosphorus, fibre and Manganese. Maybe that would be another alternative that should be considered? I noticed that “Stonershake” mentioned elsewhere uses Chia seeds in the ingredients. Also ticks the box as being a natural ingredient that consumers recognise as being healthy. Maybe a nutritious ingredient with thickening properties would be perfect here?


Yup, @JamesCollier anything to say about these emulsifiers? Huel was fine without, and they can be viewed as problematic and very detrimental to our health. Risks outweigh the benefits here I think…
Think they have caused my skin to flare up too.
Carrageenan is a known inflammatory and has many peer reviewed studies to back up its problems when ingested, including impaired glucose tolerance.
Until these potentially dangerous additives are looked at by you guys, I’m out…


I like chia…as I have mentioned elsewhere, and have used it to thicken Huel…I haven’t seen it used often in commercial food products though. It could be a good ingredient for Huel to experiment with as an alternative to gums/carrageenan. I am not familiar with Stonershake but have seen it mentioned a few times on Huel forum.


Yeah it would make sense.

I thought v1.2 UU was alright as it was.

I moaned because they needlessly increased the amount of Gum Arabic to cater for people who weren’t capable of using more or less water to get the thickness to their satisfaction.

Gum Arabic was a whole lot better than what they have replaced it with in UU even though it is pointless and would ideally not be used either.


I remember the original version of Unflavoured Huel was too thin. I like the thickness of Vanilla Huel.

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Salt in Huel is now reduced to 3.3g per 2000 kcal. 0.7g per 100g

Full details here: Salt in Huel is now reduced to 3.3g per 2000 kcal. 0.7g per 100g


Thank you!

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Just need to get rid of the Gum now :slight_smile:


@RDW next week we will run a survey via email, if the people want less gum in U&U we will go lower.


The carrageenan inclusion is small and it’s safety has been approved. Although some of the studies I’ve looked at so far are not convincing, I will look at the issue in more details and make an assessment. I’ll get back to you.


This exactly. Was it so hard to have less water for a better thickness? I’m not a fan of having to drink 2.5 liters of water when I know that 1.5 would suffice for the same amount of calories, leaving me room to drink water as water on the side, as a regular person.

I’m also wondering whether or not there’s been enough time on the current gum mix for the survey to yield results on that at all, but perhaps I’m wrong. We’ve been on the thicker UU for what… a month? How many thick batches have gone out since then?


Is it different in the vanilla, as mine seems slightly thinner if anything.

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I dont know how many but I know I preferred it to be thinner. I like to train and the thin version was cool for that, I could do a mix with 450ml and it be sound.

Now I have had to use a full beaker and add another 250ml odd for the last bit and its thick as hell and annoying, and too much to train anytime soon after consuming it.

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Excellent news today!

It is the way forward!

If others want it thicker they can use less water. At the moment the UU is far to thick and the amount of water needed to get it right is over 1000ml which isnt cool.

Cheers for the updates to you and James

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Julian, just wondering why this is only going to be considered in the U&U, as I’m sure there are many people (including myself) who aren’t happy with the emulsifiers in Vanilla? Thanks.

I could do a mix with 350ml and it’d be sound, which was awesome. Exactly like you said I could be in the gym minutes after that and have no issues, like I would had it been a meal of the same caloric amount. I could easily overconsume, sometimes 400cal bottles every other hour without issues, and regular food on top.

At the gym I could just as easily drink 1 liter of water just because I’m at the gym. Today this sometimes puts me at 3-3.5 liters a day, and I’m on 2500+ calories, at 80kg.

There’s a market out there for Huel as a fitness product. It’s nutritionally attractive, a step away from and probably far better quality than the colorful ‘MaxSuperGain’ bottles that gymrats go for. If the thickness remains I’m going to have a hard time seeing it as such.

The fact that this amount of calories was even possible in something with so little water and so little thickness, so little actual noticable mass, was astounding to me(and others I’ve talked to). The fact that you can fit 400cal in 600ml of shake is not.

Where else could I go to make me immune to hunger and food cravings for four hours, on the volume of a single glass? Not a bottle. A glass.

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No one has ever asked me to make vanilla thinner.


Hi Julian. It just seems that the Vanilla was fine without the emulsifiers in v1.2, and if people are wanting to control thickness by chemicals rather than simply water I think it’s their problem not Huel’s! As I’ve mentioned to James, the risks of the emulsifiers outweigh the benefits, and studies repeatedly show them to be detrimental to human health - for example carrageenan is used by pharmaceutical companies to simulate inflammation!! Nasty stuff. Could you consider it please?