Hi all! Happy New Year!
I could do with adding a few pounds and have been looking at the Huel Black addition. Only thing I notice it’s contains coconut. I have slightly raised cholesterol (nothing major, just a tad over normal). Does anyone know if HuelBlack will help or worsen cholesterol levels. There seems to be varying opinions on coconut.
All of our meals aside from Huel Essential contain medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) derived from coconut. It’s true these are a type of saturated fat, which is the type associated with elevated cholesterol levels.
That said, MCTs aren’t typically metabolised in the exact same way as long-chain triglycerides - the body tends to use them for energy much like carbohydrates. These specific triglycerides aren’t associated with atherosclerotic plaque formation, which is the primary pathology behind cardiovascular disease.
On top of this, Black Edition is high in fibre, which is a key nutrient in keeping cholesterol levels healthy. Now I can’t make any guarantees as to how Huel may or may not affect your cholesterol, so if you plan on giving it a try, I’d suggest keeping an eye on your cholesterol levels to be sure it’s a good option for you.
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